Love... Part 9

Aug 31, 2006 11:22

Title: Wishin’ and Hopin’ (and Thinkin’ and Prayin’)
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1340
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie Love Traingle (Het)
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

troy_gal - Thanks for the plot bunny. This fanfics for you!

Previous Chapters Here


Wishin’ and Hopin’ (and Thinkin’ and Prayin’)

Maggie knocked on Mal’s bunk door.

“Who is it?” he called out.

“It’s Maggie.”

“Well, come on in. What can I do for you?”

“I’m aware that this could get awkward, because Tom is such an old friend of yours, but I’d like to ask if I can stay on board Serenity, as a part of your crew.”

“I was just askin’ the crew earlier what they would decide if you asked to join the crew.”

“How did you know?”

“River. She can read people’s thoughts.”

“Ah. That explains a lot,” a smile played on her lips, “Well, what did they say?”

“Ya welcome ta join our crew, ‘specially if you work your way as our cook.”

“Even if Tom objects?”

“Yes, even if Tom objects, and I expect he will. That man has a powerful need to marry you, but as far as I can tell, with no understanding of the commitment it takes to make a marriage work. He just ain’t that committed ta ya. If ya married him, I reckon it would be the biggest mistake of ya life. He’d bring ya nothin’ but heartache and misery.”

“Xie-xie, Captain.”

“Ya welcome, and call me Mal,” he smiled. “Jayne’s bin teachin’ ya some Mandarin, then?”

Maggie blushed, “And Kaylee and Inara.”

“Got no need ta explain it ta me. The heart wants what the heart wants. Ain’t no way ya can change that. I wanted to talk to you ‘bout somethin’ else that’s been playin’ on my mind.”

“River, again.”

“How did you know?”

“Woman’s intuition? I don’t know, but the things people have told be about the girl, and the way she’s been acting since I got here, seem to be two completely different people. I reckon Tom and I being here must have upset her.”

“Well, yer part way there. I asked the crew if anyone knew what was troublin’ her. Shepherd Book said he had an inklin’ that little Miss River has a crush on our Mercenary.”

“Oh! Well, I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Jayne ain’t done nothin’ ta encourage her.”

“I’m glad to hear that. But she is jealous and she can read people’s thoughts.”

“And emotions.”

“Then she knows exactly how upset I’ve been at Tom, and how happy Jayne makes me.”

“So there is somethin’ goin’ on between you two.”

“Oh, it’s something alright. Something I didn’t expect or go looking for. A man who makes me happy and doesn’t make any demands or put any pressures on me.”

“So it’s gotten pretty serious pretty quick.”

“Uh huh. I know it’s a risk, because he puts himself in danger every day to protect you all. But I can’t imagine going on knowing he’s out here in the black, living a life without me.”

“What about Tom?”

“I know it will hurt him, but it was over before it really started. If he had noticed me before he left for war, maybe it could have worked. But he didn’t and it’s too late for him to change his ways. I just can’t live with him if he will always be treating me like this.”

“I understand what it’s like, not being appreciated.”

“Jayne has more passion in his little finger that Tom has in his whole self.”

“Gorrammit woman, you’ve fallen in love with ma Merc.”

She grinned, “And I think he’s falling for me.”

“Get outta here. Shipboard romances are more than I can take.”

“Well what do you call your relationship with Inara?”

“Ya got me, woman,” he grinned.

“I think she will give up everything for you, when you’re willing to settle down and build a home and a family together. I can understand her not wanting to give up her independence when you live out here in the black, dodging the Alliance. There’s no security for the future, except what she can put by for a rainy day.”

“Well this has turned into a real interestin’ conversation. Ya’d better go tell ya man yer stayin’, and I’ll tell the rest of the crew. Ya’ve given me a lot ta think on, Maggie.”

“Any time, Mal.”


Maggie came running down the corridor and knocked on Jayne’s bunk.

Wash came past and joked, “He don’t like being woken up like that, ya know, ‘specially when he been workin’ the late shift. He has breakfast with us all then crashes fer a few hours, lifts some weights, then joins us fer the evenin’ meal.”

She heard Jayne thumping around below, kicking up a fuss and cussing like crazy. He opened to hatch and poked his head out, still half asleep and with a bad case of bed hair.

“What d’ya want?” he growled, expecting Mal or Zoe to be waking him for something they wanted doing.

His face softened when he saw who it was. “Maggie, come on down.” Sitting down on his bunk, Jayne tried to wake himself by rubbing his hands across his face and through his hair.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” she teased, pressing a soft kiss on his cheek.

“What time is it, Maggie?”

“Around ten.”

“Ugh! I bin up all night mannin’ the bridge. I gotta get some more sleep,” he yawned.

“Just wanted ta let ya know, Mal says I can stay on Serenity as ya cook.”

“Maggie girl,” he wrapped her in his arms and swung her round, just breathing in the scent of her skin and hair. He pressed his lips against hers. Yes, he was really starting to enjoy this kissing. He looked into her warm brown eyes. “Ya gonna stay here as ma woman?”

“If you’ll have me,” she grinned.

“’Course I will. Ya even need ta ask?” he said, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes.

“Are you sure? Even with River crushing on you? Could make things a mite uncomfortable.”

Jayne nodded. “Ain’t got no need ta worry on that score. There was a kiss one lonely night in the black.”

“Just one kiss?” Maggie’s eyes teased.

“Well, maybe a few more,” he grinned, “but nothin’ more that a bit of flirtin’.”

“Meant a whole lot more to River.”

“An’ that I’m truly sorry for. Never meant to hurt her.”

“You sweet man,” she gently stroked his cheek.

“I ain’t sweet,” he growled.

She laughed as she softly kissed him. “I want my own bunk,” she whispered.

“Why? We’re gonna share, ya know,” nuzzling against her soft cheek.

“If I let you,” she teased.

“Ya won’t be able ta resist ma manly charms,” he grinned.

“I think that’s true, but what if we have a fight?” she stepped out of his reach. “I’ll need someplace to sleep, or if you snore too loud, or if you have a habit of kicking me out of bed in the night?”

“Oh. Maggie girl, ya too practical.”

“You can never be too practical.”

“Did I ever tell ya that I love the way ya talk? I could listen ta ya fer hours. It’s real pretty.”

She grinned. “Well I think the way you talk is something special too.”

“Ya kiddin’ me?”

She shook her head, “You’re a good man, and as long as you treat me right and don’t fool around on me, I reckon I could stay and listen to you for some time to come.”

“Ya gonna make an honest man outta me now?”

“Well, I don’t know about that,” she slowly ran a finger across his chest, “Can’t promise miracles you know. I conjure you won’t ever be what I could call a truly honest man.”

He reached out to grab her. “Come ‘ere an’ say that.”

She slipped back out of his reach. “Thought you were feeling sleepy.”

“I’ll show ya sleepy. Ya can’t insult a man and expect him ta just lie down and take it.”

“Oh no? well how about this?” She pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his willing lips.

“Mmmm! Well that I’ll lie down fer.”

“I’ve got lots more where that came from. Do you think you can stand a little more?” she teased.

“Yes, ma’am!”

To be continued...

Next Chapter: Love Hurts

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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