Love... Part 8

Aug 21, 2006 14:30

Title: In The Name of Love
Series Title: Love …
Author: Jayneswoman
Rating: NC17 (for all the cursing in Mandarin - with translations)
Fandom: Firefly
Word Count: 1040
Summary: Jayne and River and Maggie Love Triangle (Het)
Warning: Full of Jayne goodness. Beware if you don’t enjoy non-canon pairings.
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!

Authors Note: Thanks to
bookaddict43 for betaing.

Troy_gal -Thanks for the plot bunny. This fanfics for you!

Previous Chapters Here


In The Name of Love

River was in the cargo bay trying out every single swear word she knew, she was in a foul mood.

“Liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er-tze!” she shouted at the top of her lungs.“Da-shiong bao-jah-shr duh la du-tze!”

Simon breathed deeply to calm himself. “River, can you tell me what’s wrong?”

“Yu ben de qiang bao hou zi de sha gua!” she screamed back.

“Doc, can ya tell me why ya sister is yelling the dirtiest swear words I ever heard at the top of her voice?”

“I’ve heard worse,” muttered Jayne.

“Wang ba dan de biao zi," she hissed right in his face.

“Why you ben tian sheng de yi dui rou!” he threw right back.

“Jayne!” Inara gasped.

“Well, she called my mother a biao zi first.”

“Still no need ta fill her head with the curses in your filthy mind.” Mal told him.

“She probably already read ‘em, Crazy girl.”

River threw him a dirty look. “Ta shi suo you de di yu de biao zi de ma!” she spat at Inara.

“River!” Inara coloured, “if you stop insulting me, you can come to my shuttle and we can talk about what’s troubling you.”

“Jien tah-duh guay!” River muttered under her breath.

“At least she’s cussin’ quiet like now,” Mal joked.

“Ni men dou shi sha gua,” River screamed at them all, “qiang bao hou zi de sha gua!”

“I’m gen hou zi bi diu shi!”

Mal stepped in. “Right young lady, you go right now with Inara to her shuttle, quietly, or I will handcuff you to your bunk and leave you there alone, dong ma?”

River nodded.

“Well, which is it to be?”

“She will go with Inara.”

As Inara escorted River to her shuttle Mal asked rest of the crew, “Does anyone have any idea what has upset our lil Albatross so much?”

Shepherd Book spoke up, “I think I have an idea, but I’m not sure what we can do about it.”

“Speak up, Shepherd. I’m sure we’d all like to know what troubling our reader.”

“Well, I’ve been watching the way she has been around Jayne recently…”

Everyone threw accusing glances at the mercenary.

He threw his hands up. “Hey, I didn’t do nothin’!”

“Except kiss her,” muttered Simon, under his breath.

“Ya wanna make somethin’ of it, Doc? ‘Cause I ain’t never regretted that kiss more’n I do right now.”

“Beyond that kiss, Jayne hasn’t encouraged her. But they were spending a lot of time together. And now, with our guests, we’ve all been busy. I’m guessing she feels lonely… as well as little jealous.”

“Because Jayne’s not spending time with her?” Mal smirked.

“And nor is anyone else. Simon and Kaylee have each other, so do Zoe and Wash, and Mal has Inara. So I think she saw Jayne as the only possible partner for her.”

“I ain’t no cradle robber!”

“We know, Jayne,” Zoe joked, “You keep visiting your whores and pay ‘em to do it to ya.”


“Well, we all know she’s taken a shine ta Jayne, but what exactly set off this little cussing contest right now?” Mal smirked.

“Our guests came together as a couple, so were no threat to River’s plan. But now they are breaking up, River sees Maggie as her rival for Jayne’s affection,” suggested Book.

“Jayne, is there any truth ta this?”

“I’m a man. Can’t say I haven’t looked. Maggie’s a hua li woman.” He kept real quiet about the make out session he just had with Maggie in the cargo bay. Ruttin’ girl musta read his mind.

“Well, if Shepherd’s right we need to handle this very carefully.” Mal was deep in thought. “I can’t be seen as breaking up Tom’s engagement, but if Maggie asks, would we be happy to have her on this crew?”

“She’d be a mighty fine cook,” Shepherd Book suggested.

“All in favour raise their hands.”

Everyone raised their hands.

“So, if Maggie asks, we’ll let her join the crew and travel on Serenity.”

Just then Maggie came down from the galley. “What was all that noise?”

“Just River pitchin’ a fit!” Jayne told her.

Maggie frowned, “Does she do that often?”

“It only happens once in a while now,” Simon told her, “and she is getting calmer with the meds I’m giving her.”

“Okay.” She heard a rumbling belly and grinned, “Who’s ready for breakfast?”


When they got to Inara’s shuttle, River was trembling.

“Mei-mei, what’s wrong?”

“Jayne desires Maggie, not River. All chills and thrills in waves when they are together.”

The tears streamed down Rivers cheeks. Inara rocked her and stroked her hair until she calmed again.

“Is that what upset you? You felt Jayne and Maggie together.”

“Lots of kissing and touching. Whispers and chills in the dark.”

Inara cupped River’s face in her hands and looked into her eyes. “River, remember you can come and see me in my shuttle any time, to get away from others thoughts and feelings.”

River nodded. “Xie-xie, Inara.”

“Are you ready to go now?”

She grinned. “She feels like a girl again, together and whole. The words come and she is understood. The apple bits stay down, and everything is right again.” She grabbed Inara’s hand, “Let’s go to breakfast!”


As River and Inara slipped into the galley for breakfast Jayne was telling a tall tale of one of his exploits as a Mercenary, before joining the crew of Serenity. Everyone was laughing as he described a fancy core gent he had stolen money from.

Maggie was hanging on every word he said.

Noticing Inara and River, Mal patted and seat next to him. “Come sit here by me, lil albatross.” River was holding tightly onto Inara’s hand. She glanced back at the older woman.

“Go ahead, River. Sit next to the Captain.”

River smiled and sat down.

Maggie went over to the stove top. “Would you like some pancakes or oatmeal, River?”

“Pancakes, please,” River smiled as Maggie passed a plateful across.

“We got fruit and even maple syrup to have with that,” Mal told her, “What would ya like?”

River’s face lit up, “Both!” she grinned.

“That’s ma lil Albatross,” Mal sighed with relief.

To be continued…

Next Chapter: Wishin' and Hopin'

firefly, river, love, oc, maggie, angst, jayne

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