Firefly - Prompt 07: Cinnamon - Animal Attraction

Jul 22, 2006 21:00

Title: Animal Attraction
Author: Jayneswoman
Character/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 007. Cinnamon*
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Full of Jaylee sexiness. Flirt alert!!!!
Word Count: 294
Author’s Notes: After that shower

Prompt table 1 from

Previous parts here.


Jayne entered the galley to find Kaylee laughing with Wash and Zoe.

“Hey, Jayne,” she grinned, “Ya want some Cinnamon toast?”

“Uh huh,” he nodded, a smile slowly spreading across his handsome face, “’S just about ma most favourite late night snack.”

Jayne’s eyes never left Kaylee as he crossed the galley to her side.

Kaylee never looked at Jayne, but she was acutely aware of his every move.

Their body language was not lost on Zoe. “Well husband,” she said, “Think it’s ‘bout time we headed to our bunk.”

“Reckon you’re not wrong there, lammie toes,” Wash replied, as Zoe yanked him by the collar, pulling him out of the galley.

Jayne stepped behind Kaylee, his arms slipping around her waist. She felt him growl as he nuzzled her hair, his breath hot against her neck. “Ya smell so good.”

Kaylee blushed at the complement. “Just that fancy coconut shower stuff Inara gave me.”

Jayne shook his head, “It’s not coconut. It’s… engine oil… an’ cinnamon... an’ you.”

His arms wrapped round her tighter and she sighed back against him as he sucked on her neck.

“Jayne,” she groaned, “Ya always know how ta give the nicest compliments.”

She turned round in his arms, held his face in her hands and pressed a soft sexy kiss against his mouth.

“Hmmm,” Jayne moaned, responding hungrily to her kiss.

He sniffed the air, “What that?” he asked, looking around the galley.

Kaylee’s hand flew up to her face as she saw Jayne’s cinnamon toast burning in the grill.

Jayne slid the ruined snack into the trash. He heard Kaylee hiccup as tears overwhelmed her.

“Come ‘ere,” he beckoned, wrapping his arms around her. He kissed Kaylee’s hair. “Ya all the late night snack I need.”


Next Story:
Sweet Comfort.

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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