Firefly - Prompt 01: Strawberries - What a Treat!

Jul 20, 2006 18:25

Title: What a Treat!
Author: Jayneswoman
Character/Pairing: Firefly: Jayne/Kaylee
Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I’m just borrowing his characters for fun!!
Prompt Table: 1
Prompt: 001. Strawberries*
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Full of Jaylee sexiness. Cussing in Mandarin (with translations)
Word Count: 240
Author’s Notes: Jayne gives Kaylee a gift.

Prompt table 1 from


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“Mmmmm!” Kaylee sighed as she slowly bit into the soft fruit, savoring the flavor of the juices and the texture of the flesh.

Wo de ma, thought Jayne, as he gazed at her enjoying the strawberries he’d bought as a birthday surprise.

She licked the juice from her lips, holding the remaining fruit in her hand; grinning as she saw Jayne practically chomping at the bit, watching her eat.

It was one thing she was always good at, getting a man all hot and bothered, watching her eat practically anything. But strawberries were her favorite, as Jayne well knew.

“It’s rude to stare,” she teased.

“Man can’t help it, if’n ya eat like that,” he grinned.

“Come ‘ere,” she beckoned him closer, holding out the remainder of the fruit she’d just devoured.

Jayne bit down into the soft fruit, the juice filling his mouth and the texture of the flesh reminding him of the passion filled night they just spent together.

“Mmmmm!” he groaned, remembering the kisses he’d pressed over every inch of her body.

This time it was Kaylee getting hot and bothered over the way Jayne was eating.

“If ya keep that up, Ya won’t be getting’ much sleep tonight!”

A sexy smile slowly spread across his lips as the connotations of her remark sunk in. Yes, strawberries were worth their weight in gold, when he gave them to lil Kaylee. Best 50 credits he ever spent.


Next story: Return of the Treat

kaylee/jayne, firefly, kaylee, prompts, jaylee, 25_foods, jayne

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