I love springtime. I love daffodills and blooming trees and tulip poplars. Here's where I wish I had a camera, or that I would actually take pictures if I had one.
Spring fever must have crept its way into my brain and colored everything pink, because for the first time in literally years I went to the dELiA's website. And actually ordered stuff. A couple of WWF t-shirts (that's World Wildlife Fund, I'm haven't fallen in love with pro wrestling) and a pair of grey plaid chucks. I haven't gotten a new pair of Chuck Taylors since I was in high school. I am very excited about them.
Dave, on the other hand, was horrified by the credit card being billed with "dELiA's." He thinks I've bought a bunch of t-shirts that say "HOTTIEZ" or "Groovey planet!" with like a thousand peace signs and Lisa Frank rainbows or something.
Last night, we went to Garland's house, where he made his own version of the KFC Famous Bowl, appropriately dubbed The Famouser Bowl. The Famouser Bowl consists of homemade mashed potatoes, corn, coleslaw, and Prince's Hot Chicken. It was as fucked up and delicious as it sounds. Somewhere, Patton Oswalt felt a tingling in his taste buds. I brought my leftover St. Patrick's Day cupcakes, which, if you didn't read my Facebook status saga, were Guinness chocolate cake with Bailey's icing. They were the best cupcakes I've ever made. Dave sulked that I brought the leftovers to the party.
Speaking of Dave, I just got an email from him. I was in the process of making spinach lasagna with zucchini noodles last night (about as healthy as you can get with lasagna) when Garland called, filled with promises of hot chicken and heartburn. The uncooked lasagna went into the fridge, and we're eating it for dinner tonight. Dave writes me, and says:
"I wish the lasagna had Prince's hot chicken in it." Me too, Dave, me too.
The Pioneer Woman makes me want to start a food blog.
I just ordered a bunch of books off Amazon and I wish I could just spend the next few days in my house reading fairy tale novels. Or by myself in a coffee shop. Anything with delicious alone time.