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Feb 05, 2009 00:33

haha omgg,ITS THURSDAY! like finallyyyy(: Weekends are coming!(: I survived the week,okay maybe not yet, but soon one moreee dayy!(: Just packed a little and Im so tired already! First day of work after Chinese New Year was not that bad afterall, just that I didnt claim my red packet for my lady boss!=x Sissy left on Tuesday, went for work then tuition then off to the airport. Had Popeyes and then we saw Ruoyi and Serene,omg still as funny as ever. haha they kept claiming that they are going on an exchange programme as well. Then it was time to go, super embarrassing cause I cried and then made sissy cried like shit! hahaha! But well,I seriously miss someone fighting over the blanket, scolding me ass all the time. nvm time flies and soon I'll be able to see her!(: Met up with some A2 people on wed. Met angzi then went to J8, then Miss Universe next.haha, Miss Universe & I were like 2 HUNGRY GHOSTS. cause Zoey, Dora were late. Dora went swimming after working somemore laa, what the leh. And she works in Ubi too(: So happy la! Not forgetting Pom who joined us even later! Really had a great laugh over dressing and all(:
And oh yaa,Luckie's teeth dropped, I said teeth cause 2 just dropped in the day. lol. Should be milk teeth right?! But why so many will drop at one time uh? okay no idea why am I questioning myself on the LJ=x

Yep,see all the lovely people soooon(:

save the disappointment,
lower the expectations.
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