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Sep 11, 2008 22:06

Woke up super late this morning cause my maid overslept. Thank God sis fetched me to school(: We were late for assembly today. It's gonna be our last assembly tomorrow, Awesome arrangement! We can go to school when we have lessons and leave school right after our lessons!(; Have been checking our scripts for the past few days, actually just the past two days cause I gave school a miss yesterday. Got ready my letter but Ms De did not come today! Quite a short day today. Went to meet V at Ajisen for lunch! Oh yes, supposedly students meal. But, it only starts at 3! haha, super embarrassing please. Had quite a good and cheap lunch. Finally got my Doraemon keychain for my bag! Cute to the max I tell you. While walking aimlessly, we met Renee, Huiwen, Sissy & friends(: yeah, they are enjoying their holidays. Not working okay! haha! Talking about holidays, we told them that mahjong session will resume after approximately 80 days! Ren nai said that she can travel around the world first, and make it back on time to dry swim with us. Thanks uh=/ haha! Yep, then went to Heartland to get stuffs and then to V's house. Freaking funny, supposed to get the brochure for my mum. Then she took out a huge stack of stuff. Japan travelling guide, still quite some time before we can finally find the book handy! haha, browsed through some papers and stuff. Wah, we seriously cannot wait! Saw some Mvs before meeting G! Walked home together(:

Kittie, the cow-looking cat is so cute that his friend, a rather small friend keeps meowing outside our house(:

Back and forth and side to side
Right ain't wrong if wrong ain't right
Some things are still so vivid.

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