Another Day Another Dollar

Feb 23, 2006 13:30

Wow god it's been so long since I was on here. man I'm lazy. I haven't had a job since Nov 28th and between trying to find one and sorting out everything here I'm really behind in my updates. Lets see where to begin. Ahh I kno I'll sort out a contents and go from there:
Jamila & Nikita

Jamila & Nikita
Now some of you may be wondering who that gorgeous creature that's now my icon is. Her names Jamila. We got here just before Christmas when I was in hospital. We actually went' to pick her up but ended up going to hospital and staying there unadmitted overnight. Turned out I had pneumonia & tonsillitis - had a touch of bronchitis, before that too the doctor thought. Anyway back to Mila. She was dumped at Kimberly centre at approx 4wks old. Little pot belly & gorgeous as hell (potbelly turned out to be something else will tell you later what). 2nd day here had to go to the vet as she had been throwing up all day. Turned out that people told us the wrong sex of the kitten that was an afterthought too. So got medicine and a syringe for it to be squirted into her mouth.

2 weeks later we were back I think it was due to a nasty cough she developed raspy grunty wheeze/cough also due to the fact that since we had her she shakes alot. So she received a few injections and was sent on her way.

2 weeks later she was back this one was for her shots if I remember right. We were told the shaking was due to braindamage in the cerebrum (funny that - she was dumped at kimberly). Anyhow a week later (about 1 wk off the last worming tablet sets) she developed a case of roundworm. Never want to see them again. Turned out she'd had them from when we first had her (so don't buy supermarket worming tablets they're useless) hence her potbelly. Got her drontel and that clearedup her worms and the cough/breathing issues. We think that that was a case of lung worm in her. Talked to the vet about her name as she isn't picking it up. She hadn't at all by the time we'd gone to the vets so he said to reward her with cat treats everytime she answered her name. Sometimes works now & she had he address and name on her tag on her coller. Actually I think that was her 4th visit as she's had 2 sets of shots yup that's right.

So in 2 months she's been to the vets 4 times. Thankfully since reworming her she's grown & is now the size of a small 3mth old kitten. She's on a diet of kitten food and cat milk & water if she'll drink it (unless it's shower water she won't). Gets on great with Nikita Murray's other cat and they bully each other constantly. But now the violins stopped playing and hopefully despite some issues she'll grow up reasonably well. Still walks funny but thats due to teh brain damage and she doesn't even realise there's something different about her. BTW Jamila is egyptian for beautiful.

Murray is doing great started back at school a few weeks ago. He still spoils me like crazy and for valentines day brought me a medium size teddybear and my fav flowers & I think something else we set a limit of $20 oh that's right some perfume. We both have new phones we paid in total $200 for them both retail value of both is over $650 so we're extremely happy with it all. Plus he brought me an mp3 player for uni as I'm travelling 30-40 minutes to get to the lowerhutt bus stop and then from lower hutt to wellington on the airport bus and then on a town bus to uni. So definately over an hr of travel each day. Aargh. At least I get the comfortable bus with my monthly pass. Plus a SD card that goes in it and as a back up for one of our cameras.

Wedding god that's going to be a long day. We're going for small simple sophisticated and classy. My mother wants a different thing. We've had to go behind my parents backs to book our church and I'll be doing that later tonight. The date at the moment is 6th of Jan next year. This is the church we're booking:
It's a beautiful country church and I fell in love with it at first sight.

Those of you who want to see my wedding dress and don't want a spoiler don't go to this link.
That's my dress won't tell you the colours or the exact design but you have more of an idea than Murray. Oh and there's a few differences to what it'll actually be including the front bit across my chest.

We got my tiara and necklace in the weekend and Ava's going to be my bridesmaid wearing hematite and our flowergirls are going to be Murray's niece Hannah and my cousin Tess - tess will be walking hannah down the isle as hannah won't be two by the time the wedding rolls around.

The invitations we are aiming for unique and practical. That was an idea from one of the things we have had sent to us. It will be in Palmerston North the reception with the wedding just a few minutes from IPC.

We're aiming for a honeymoon in Thailand, Hong Kong or Singapore with a few days in Kuala Lumpor - 10 days in total and first time overseas - yay!! But that all depends on my parents. They've said they pay for some but not all which is fair enough Kimberly closes half way through the year so mum will get redundancy payout. Mum's making my dress. So far the estimated cost of the wedding will be about $5000 - $7000 which is a cheap wedding believe it or not.

However they hate our church and are trying to railroad us into alot of things we don't want. We've compromised on somethings but are refusing to on others - the church is one. We've kept an open mind looking at Ohau, Manakau, Kuku Beach and TeHoro amoung others but they're too small and the one we want is a comination of 3 of them. Aokautere is diffent but gorgeous. But the churches we like are at about the turn of last centry. Aokautere was built in 1895. So far so many arguments and it's not turning out to be that fun for planning it. We have a cake picked out and a friends mum of mine will be making it. We have a few contacts via friends who're going to be doing things so are well on the way to sorting things out. Problem as I said is my parents we're trying to get the big things like church, reception venue and caterers sorted out which we need to do now. But only little ones are by them. It's driving me nuts.

And has had me extremely upset many times. Have to love it tho I'll be Mrs Ardron in less than a years time & I'll look good signed up with a gym this week. I was supposed to be allowed to choose the flowergirl dress (mum and I quote said "at least you'll be able to choose the flowergirls dress I didn't get to do that") bullshit in the weekend went roughshed over what I liked and chose it herself. She's making that and the bridesmaid but it's not that fair. If it doesn't stop soon may end up a feud.

She's tried on us - don't kno if she's still thinking of it but haven't talked about it since grandad died about changing Murray's families list for guests by inviting his Aunt who's a bitch putting it nice and his Gran who are estranged from the family and hurt all their family at his sisters wedding. Apparently the gran complained the whole time and they refused to sit with family at the church and the list goes on. So basically there's no way in hell that will happen but mums trying to invite them. She didn't say any of this to Murray only to me and I told him. We're not telling Murray's parents as they will not be happy and they aren't with mum and dad now. Our tastes are being comprimsed all the time and critised by mum. Originally the only kids at the wedding were Murray's neice who's the flowergirl and Murray's adopted nephew - Evan adopted Uriel and married Uriels mum. But we've been convinced to add Tess and Rob as they're the youngest members of my family. They have roles tho. Robbies an usher and Tess flowergirl. But we were being told that without kids our wedding is going to be boring and so on. Mum hates the colour that i want bridesmaid and flowergirl in. I'm sticking to my guns on that one too. The list goes on & it's not fair on us. What do you think?

After passing all exams I'm to start at the Wellington campus of Massey on Monday. I'm not overly joyful at the facilites but there are a few things I like. A massive load I don't like. Will be able to meet you guys in town some days if I get a chance. And so far I get Friday off. & only one lecture on Tuesday.

Also got a result from the mass complaint with 159.101. Here's what every single student got sent:

Dear Students of the159.101 Paper (Programming Fundamentals) in 2005,

I received a copy of a letter related to delivery of the Programming Fundamentals 159.101 paper and problems experienced during the semester 2, 2005.

I investigated the matter in detail and found that your complaints were justified. There were several reasons occurring together which resulted in poorer than usually delivery of the 159.101 paper. However, the problems described should never have happened.

I would like to apologize for the inconvenience and disappointment caused to you, on behalf of the Institute of Information Sciences and Technology.

To prevent similar situations in the future the IIST has introduced procedures as listed below:

1. All documents referring to the timetable on the Web will be checked against a university timetable at the beginning of week1 of the semester.

2. All lecture material will be made available on the Web so that students who miss a lecture have access to all necessary content.

3. The timetable has an additional lecture slot that enables lecturers the flexibility to account for student needs and to make up for time lost due to illness and strikes. Lecturers will be asked to clearly state in lectures when lecture presentations are diverging from the proposed schedule. Lecturers will be requested to adhere more closely to the published schedule and where necessary to use the additional lecture period to ensure any material explicitly required for the following week’s tutorial is covered. Lecturers will also be asked to post a message on the bulletin board to further remind students that there is to be an additional lecture. When lecturer’s are unable to attend a lecture they are asked to contact both the course controller and the IIST secretarial staff so that either an alternative lecturer can be organised or notes can be placed in the lecture theatre and on the class bulletin board in a timely manner.

4. Timetabling for computer labs will be such that the first lecture of the week occurs before the first computer lab for that week. Required reference material will be imbedded into Labnotes.

5. A tutor will be given specific responsibility to check that assignment versions, release dates and links are correct and on time.

6. The programming portfolio was a new form of assessment used for the first time in semester 2, 2005. An example portfolio entry will be provided as part of the instructions so that students can clearly see what is expected of them. An academic tutor will provide timely information about assignments and portfolios to casual lab tutors during weekly meetings.

7. The statistics provided by WebCT on students numbers failing tests etc for 159.101. are incorrect and where possible will be disabled. Real assessment statistics will be provided instead. True data for 159.101, 2005: 46 students enrolled in 159.101 of which 3 withdrew; 39 students sat test 1, average mark 6.4 out of 10, lowest 2.9; first assignment 37 students submitted, average mark 16 out of 20, lowest mark 2; second assignment - 34 students submitted, average mark 13.6/out of 20, lowest mark 2.4.

The above procedures will be also implemented for delivery of 159.201 from 2006.

Once again I would like to apologize for unsatisfactory at times delivery you experienced in 2005. I am confident that you will be fully satisfied with the 159.201 paper in Semester 1 this year.

Kind regards

Janina Mazierska

Everyone is wrapt with the result of it all. Just a shame the majority have been put off that paper and quite a few failed by the sounds of it all.

Anyway will quit talking and say ciao

Rissa (or as some kno Enid)
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