Nov 02, 2004 16:03
Ok, so it's Election Day in the states, and I'm sure everyone over there is ready for this shit to be over. I don't even live there right now and I can't wait for it to be done. I can't imagine what everyone else is feeling. Anyway. I haven't done much recently. I went to Osaka and was slightly disappointed to find the cosplay outfit I wanted was one size too small. The one that fit was cute but I didn't want it as much, so I didn't get it. I did find a Sakura wand at a nearby kids store so I got that :) My host family had a good laugh when I brought it out after dinner and swung it and it shouted, ”なんじの あるべき すがたに もどれ!” "Nanji no arubeki sugatani modore!" heheheh. It was good times. So all this week has been the cultural festival, but the exchange students still have class, which is uber lame. I wish we didn't have to go to stupid class this week, cause during the afternoon lectures we can hear the cheerleaders, and the band, and all the people outside having a good time. The Japanese students don't have class. So cultural week means lots of pushy Gaidai students hawking all kinds of delicious food out in the courtyard. I've had Choco-taiyaki, curry-cheese "tako"yaki, Apple donuts, and Tempura icecream. They were all really good. Tomorrow is Bunka no Hi (Cultural Day) so NO SCHOOL. In honor of the holiday I will be going to Nara with my host family to feed deer! I can't wait to go and see all the crazy deer and have them eat my hands (I hear they're "friendly"). I'm also planning on going to Hirakata Park this Sunday with Jason, Richard and his speaking partners. Before that we're gonna go to Hirakata City Hall to watch Yuki sing with his classmates in a performance they are putting on. After Hirakata Park we're gonna go to Richards Home Visit family's house for dinner, that's so nice of them. :)
I need to buy my bus tickets soon, cause guess what! I'm going to TOKYO. You all wanted it, so here it is...I'm going! I'm going with a bunch of other students by night bus from Kyoto to Shinjuku. We're then going to go to Tokyo Disneyland for TWO days. After that we will be sight seeing in Tokyo at places like the imperial rose garden and Tokyo tower. I can't wait, it's gonna be so much fun! I haven't bought my ticket yet, but I'm don't think it will be going anywhere. I'm a little worried cause I have 2 tests the Monday after I get back, but we're coming back on Saturday so I'll have plenty of time to study on Sunday. It will be worth it though, cause I've wanted to go to Tokyo since I got here. These things can't be turned up!! Expect lots of pictures from Tokyo.
Happy Election everyone and make sure you vote. Making and informed decision effects the lives of many! Hope you're all well and I love you.