Home Sweet Home

May 19, 2008 11:48

I said "God damn" and a few other choice words last night. Last night was to be the end , the end of 5 weeks of work, none stop, everyday, sometimes 16 , 17 hour days with little or no sleep. the last few days i went directly from show to show with no break. the last five was the blaze of glory starting wednesday... then friday finished one thing traveled to dusseldorf was there for 14 hours.... travel back to colonge to a DVD shoot for a band called Schiller where day 1 started as 12  noon and ended at 5 am the next day ... only to start again at 11:30 the next day and end at midnight.

Its all i had to do was make it till then, that was the goal and 11:50 or so everything was going well. That was until during the last song of the encore, i watched a event  paramedic take a short cut through dimmer city. asked her WTF, she grumped at me and carried on.... not a minute later one of the other guys from the tour light team came running to me yealling something about lost DMX signal and that all the ACLs were on

(ok for those that dont know DMX is the protocol that all the magic moving lights you see on TV/concerts etc communicate and ACL,s  are a alu  pipe with 4 x 250 watt  lights... so when 1 is on you see 4  on... ok now  times that by 8......)

so yea right in the middle of the big  grand ending, 32 of these badboys came on at the back of the venue, which while for the show it self wasnt a big deal, for light sensitive  video cameras that arnt set up for it, its a very bad bad bad thing.

So what happend?, well said  paramedic (zahnietator sp?) had hit the dimmer unit that controls those lights with her leg when she was walking where she shouldnt have, setting it into its own control mode turing all the channels on full!!!! it took me a few seconds to finally figure out what was going on and i was able to turn it off but the damage was already done.

afterwords there were alot of very unhappy people from the production team, honestly i dont hink its that bad. i mean they have loads of footage from the 2 nightsand i think they can edit it to make it look like nothing happend but stiill.

so there i was, the night crew came to take it all out and im on my way home, no taxi, i wanted to walk and listen to some music to kinda come down a bit. i was bummed as well, i am a perfectionist and this was far from perfect and i keep thinking there was something i could have done, something i could have done better, been more prepared to have prevented this, or at least been able to fix it faster. so a walk in the lovely cologne night air and some kewl tunes seemed to be the perfect remedy. but alas was not to be, the adapter for my headphones to my iphone desided to break and  so i was lest with all this bring down time to think about what just happend. ....oh  yippee


Just got up. feel better but have load of shit to do and really dont know where to start. need to pay a months worth of bills. have some arrands to run my flat....OMG looks like a truck hit the place. i havent gotten any e mails or phone calls about last night yet so maybe  things arnt as bad as they seemed when i left. its is after all "rock n roll"

bis dann


Now Play'n

The Dresden Dolls - No, Virginia - Night Reconnaissance
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