May 01, 2007 17:49
Haha it's amazing how when my PC is out of reach and/or assignment is due that I have this massive amount of posting. (And when I'm sick, my PC would be sick too. *raise left eyebrow*)
Anyway, I've been craving for olive vegetable since Friday night, and silly me didn't go to Giant to buy (it's the SAME LEVEL as my work place!), and tried finding in NTUC but it doesn't have it. Bah. Funny thing was, my mum told me last night to buy olive vegetable home for porridge this morning (but I didn't), and this afternoon I attended a lunch-gathering with my former district to "send (some of) us off" to a new chapter. Guess what-- the restaurant serves Teochew OLIVE RICE!!!! YAY!!!!! :D And so, my wish has been answered. I got a bottle from Cold Storage Changi Airport too after the gathering and there goes my happy day!~ (despite my bid to finish my assignment due tomorrow -- somehow I felt less daunting as compared to the past; that I am confident I can type without any writer's block and finish in time. I hope it doesn't backfire on me and that I'm not being complacent :/ Perhaps truly following guidelines is superbly helpful.)
Olive vegetable with rice and anything else= YUMMY! (typical teochew nang ;p )