Today was a pretty progressive day at work. Jeremy (as usual) making me laugh as he rode on that little trike motorized motorcycle that was PINK in color all around the back room as Bob, Carissa, Brian, and I laughed. I said Wow that was sooooo impressive of you to ride with out a kiddie helmet!! he laughed and said "that thing is too fast for a little kid!" I laughed some more and I said, "Don't you love the color pink??" He said "Oh yeah!! It's so gay for a man!!! " We laughed together. Brian keeps on picking on me all day bumping into me, moving my arm making me mess up or trying to, or tug at my hair as it is bundled up and I'm like grrrr. lol He at one time today passed me a note and it says "Hey Nutcase" I laughed and Jeremey heard me laughing and said what?? I showed the note and he said hahaha Brian needs to ride that pink trike and be gay. I laughed. I wrote to Brian "Who me?? Remember I'm a fairy " and I drew a little fairy girl and it says "I'm pretty!" 2 days ago I told Brian he should dress up in orange outfit and have broken handcuffs on him because he looks like he just got out of jail regarding his scruffy face He laughed and said to me that I should be a fairy I said awww.
Funny day indeed but I've been feeling a bit down and moody because I lost some blood from my body and I have a sore in my throat that it feels like a chuck of food is stuck in my throat :( At home, I yelled at my dog because he was out of the yard and in danger zone IE: kidnapped, run over, you name it" and he didn't listen so i screamed *ignoring the sore in my throat* and he ran to me then looked at me and he knew then he bolted inside to his room and stayed there. *shrugs*
I went to have sushi for dinner since the bank decided to give me alot of money :P *winks* and I had a good dinner with Rob then I asked him to take a picture of me with my new hat and here it is
I have lost some weight and I need to lose some more!
I'm gonna go and relax then get some sleep since I'm tired. MY SL is being an ass. It needs to download new version and it won't so I am not going to bother with it for now *shrugs*