Feb 13, 2009 11:05
Alissa comes down to my office and asks me to talk to this guy on the phone because she's sure she misheard him and wants to see if I can understand him.
So I get on the phone and give the standard "I'm sorry, who were you holding for?"
Him: "I was just waiting to talk to someone about a practice loan."
Me: "And what kind of practice are you looking to finance."
Him: "Dairy."
Me: "Ok, just one moment."
Look at Alissa. Did he really say dairy? That's what she had thought to. So she finally gets back on the line to try and get a bit more information from him.
Her: "I'm sorry sir, are you saying diary, as in... cows?"
Him: "Yes, as in cows."
Her: "Well, we typically only do loans for Allstate agents, dentist and vets."
Him: " Well, I'm a vet. Why the hell do you think I'm calling?!"
You know, if I were a vet, I don't think I'd say I was in the dairy business. You say you're in the dairy business, I'm thinking a dairy farm. Weird people.