
Apr 23, 2008 16:32

I don't think i've ever used the word "wicked" to describe something.

It's a BEAUUUUUTIFUL day out today.

This girl from my work that i am consistantly mean to told me that i was her favorite perosn there the other day. That BAFFLED me. Oh and i'm mean to her for a reason, i'm not just being a bitch. But not i feel obligated to be nice.

My bird keeps ripping the keys off my laptop. I now have no right arrow, F3, or End. I guess i don't really need those keys anyway.

I miss the begining of 2007 when i made a lot of money and only hung out with lesbians. They sure did get a kick out of me.

Yesterday i mustered up the courage to ask for this kid in my psychology classes phone number. If only i could muster up the courage to USE it. I'm such a guy...i've always been such a GUY when it comes to guys....i initiate everything.

These are one of those livejournals entrys that i'm probobly going to want to delete. But not everything has to be all deep right?

Oh, and i need everyone's # please give it to me. Thanks.
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