Feb 27, 2008 00:11
Oh man.
So how about my very first ex boyfriend ever..my first love, the kid i lost my virginity to decides to pop right back into my life again. Well, it's not like that he just added me on my myspace and IMed me and wants to hang OUT with me tomorrow. EVEN IF THIS IS NOTHING...THIS IS SOMETHING...this is like, a big deal to me. I was just talking about him the other day. I haven't seen or talked to him in 4 years. This is absolutely ridiculous.
2008 so far and maybe 2 months prior to '08 has been a lot of random people from my past popping back into my life to tell me how happy they are. I think this is a weird kind of karma that it fucking with me mentally. Everyone i've ever hurt, anyone that has ever held onto me, has let me go. And this is and odd feeling.
But this is exactly what i need to find myself. It's like closure or something. Letting go of the past and focusing on the future.
...that sounded gay.
I feel like i'm going in reverse.