Scatter Bitches!

Jan 02, 2006 23:59

I cant't believe its 2006 already! It craziness. Break has been awsome thus far, hanging out with alot of people and doing alot of stuff. Tikki Bobs on tuesday with everyone was by far one of the best nights of break..minus the whole getting hit in the face with a beer bottle by the random biatch. And Lunch breaks with Samantha were pretty sweet too. I worked at Abercrombie for 6 days straight(almost 40 hours!), thats a record for me. I love it there, maybe I'll just quit school and be a Brand rep the rest of my life! (JK)
Sadness set in today, Liz is leaving me soon. Its bad enough that Tanner and Camee left already. All my best friends are leaving on me. I wish i were rich so I could visit them..but its all good. Ill miss u liZ!!

They put Mr. President to sleep today (my cat). It was really sad but he was really sick so hes better off now. It kinda made me just feel blah today. I'll miss him =(.

I had dinner with the Sharps the other night at TGI Fridays which was great, except for the fact that I had to sit next to danielle. New Years was a frickin blast ...good times is all I can say about that. I dont know whats goin on this week. I only work tuesday so i can do whateva. If anyone didnt get my new cell phone yet its..248 7674707 so call me bitches.
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