whats wrong with me?

May 15, 2005 02:37

So how did I become the biggest ass hole ever??

Its sad to know that I've wasted so many years with people who don't wanna be frieds with me anymore, let alone talk to me anymore. If I was ever being an ass, someone was also being an ass or a bitch to me. Its seems when i say something mean, or do something wrong, that it gets blown more out of proportion than when someone else would say it. There are so many people that come off more mean or more forward than i do.

I even feel ackward around my best frinds now, and can't be myself...I always feel out of place in the group, even with my "best" friend are there.

Can someone please tell me why i am so hated. Ive never felt depressed in my life until now. I thought being depressed was stupid, but now i can see how it happens. I've been keeping it inside for the past couple months now..and i can't be myself anymore. I've tried and tried. and then cuz im not happy i come off as even more of an ass hole.

Its the end of my senior year and I should be happy. But how can I be happy when my best friends really dont like me.

Im sry if i am an ass hole. I dont wanan be that guy. When you have a problem with me dont just keep it inside and ignore me forever. How am I suppose to try and change when u just stop talking to me?

If i am as big of an ass as some people think i am then i guess i deserve too feel depressed and not half fun my last week of high school, and feel ackward around the people who i thought were my friends. I guess i deserve to feel alone and feel like my years of friendships were a waste. I guess I desereve to feel like shit.
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