Mar 16, 2007 18:47
Spring break is coming to a close as the snow slowly covers everything in a sheet of white. This was a very unexpected spring break, I wanted 70 degrees with 5 mph winds, sunny and partly cloudy, and 70% humidity. That's what I call spring... but then again, it is really not spring yet. The coming Spring warms my heart with a sense of anticipation. Spring was always my favorite season, it reminds me of life. It makes me feel more alive, I like that hungry bear coming out of hibernation, lusting for something. After all, the desire to always be sleeping can become quite depressing.
I would say that life is so different with college entering the picture, but now I see that it was just all an illusion. Life is no different, I was just merely hiding from life, and college made it very easy to do so. Everything that was there before college is still there. My problems/opportunities are still there, the crew, les copines, the family, the random people that made no difference in my life... I see now that college was just another form of escapism, hopefully with this new insight I can begin to change. Although I believe my priorities have changed, but then again, those priorities never remained constant. I believe it starts with personal health than family and then friends. And somewhere along this list comes grades, or school. Funny how there was a time that I would have put my friends in front of me, I remembered that I did not have much respect for myself, I've felt that my sacrifice was meaningless. But I don't know what changed all that.
Everything around me seems to have changed, but I feel changed. This feeling of change has not manifested since few people have regarded my change. After all, I have not done anything to show this change, I've only felt the change.