
Jan 01, 2019 22:23

Since I've just had my first child (November 27th!), I think it’s time to officially put my LiveJournal to bed. I get my political and meme fixes on Facebook now, like the rest of the sheep, and nearly everybody that I figuratively “grew up with” got off this platform a decade ago. I'm pretty sure the last holdouts to even watch this space were Mom and Steph, and I'm pretty sure they've stopped checking too--not that I blame them!

To be honest, the lights have been out on this journal for a while now. It’s just that I still sometimes talk to myself in the dark.

Now that I’m done with it, maybe I’ll actually go back through and read it from the beginning to see how I’ve changed over time. The process of maturing as a person is so slow and full of false starts, it can really only be appreciated in retrospect.

I will always have fond memories of this journal, where I discovered so much about myself and where I cut my teeth on really communicating with people. If my descendants ever discover this site, I hope they will be intrigued more often than disturbed.

I expect I’ll start a new journal on a new platform, to chronicle my new life as a parent. That’s, ummm… to be determined. I’m as good at goodbyes as I am at hellos, so... later y’all.

nostalgia, family, milestones

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