I like secrets. I like sharing my own secrets; I love hearing other people's secrets. Sharing secrets is a trust building exercise, and a shared power transaction. According to one wing of gender theory, using secrets to cement friendships is a highly associated with girls. Could it be that's related to why I got along with girls so easily growing up?
I built up a reputation as not being a gossip, so there were several people in college that trusted me as a confidante. Of course, when you're out of college, and married, your wife is your main confidante, and you quickly start to run out of secrets to tell. And as your wife is involved in most of your secrets, there's a lot of secrets you lose the ability to tell to other people anyway.
So, it was refreshing to share college-era secrets with
sporks_of_doom and Joe this weekend. Truth be told, though, I'm quite out of practice. In fact, it's just hard to remember the juicier bits of my own life, nowadays. College, aka Juicy Time, was so long ago. I need to go through all 1815 entries in my journal sometime soon to refresh myself.
It used to be that people new to me could peruse old entries on my journal and actually learn quite a few things. But spread over eight years, I can't expect anyone to be THAT interested in me anymore (I never DID expect anyone to be that interested in me, but I know a few people actually did read through all my old entries, way back when). The interesting bits are buried in the middle, anyway, between paragraphs of game trivia, old memes, and inside-joking. It's a microcosm of the internet--there are fascinating things to discover, but you're not likely to find any of it unless you already have a very good idea of what you're looking for. I know people who have written life story summaries--that's a good idea I should attempt sometime, too. Of course, most of the people who do that have led fascinating lives.
Actually, there have been several creative projects going through my brain lately, but I haven't had sufficient inertia to latch onto one of them and bring it to completion.