
Nov 19, 2008 12:39

Eventful day yesterday. We recently bought a headboard for our bed, and it finally showed up today. We also picked up Left 4 Dead. So, we put together the headboard and got it hooked up to our bed, and then we played Left 4 Dead for two hours, went to bed an hour later, and dreamed about zombies all night.

Because of our experience with the demo, we thought we'd be fine playing through the first campaign on Advanced difficulty instead of Normal. We made it through the first four stages of the campaign fine; Steph died once, I died twice, and our AI helpers died a couple of times apiece. Then we made it to the extraction stage, and promptly got our brains handed to us about seven times over. After the first couple of missteps, we found ourselves doing pretty good until the tank zombie showed up. How the heck do you efficiently take down a tank?

It might help if we had all human players... Or we might have to turn the difficulty back down a notch.

townhome, gaming diary

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