Weekendly Report

Jul 21, 2008 15:45

It was a fine weekend. Friday night Ian and Sherry came over, and we introduced them to Tsuro and Carcassonne, Warioware (Wii) and Bomberman.

Saturday morning, Stephie's Dad came by to spend the day to celebrate his birthday. Besides hanging out and showing him around, we went to see The Dark Knight. I'll talk about that more in a bit. It was nice to spend some time with her Dad--he's a little paranoid, and he's been dealt a pretty bad hand, but he's a good guy and he positively dotes on his favorite daughter.

But yes, The Dark Knight: It was a passably good movie; Joker was creepy, and it was the best depiction of Chaotic Evil I've seen in recent memory. I'll have to get Mike's opinion of it later, as he professes to be chaotic neutral.* It was long, but not really boring. It was the second movie in the third canon reset of the main movie series, which in general makes the whole thing really confusing (especially since I haven't seen Batman Begins)--but then, I'm given to understand the rewrites in the canon of the Batman comic books are even crazier.

After seeing the movie, now I have a strong desire to read some of the original 1930s and 40s Batman comics (before the "comic code"). I don't suppose any of those are hiding out there on the internet somewhere?

Stephanie and I are playing Team Fortress together now--we broke down and bought another copy of XBox360 Orange Box. Valve had better love us; we've paid over $120** now for the privilege of playing Team Fortress two-player on XBox Live and over Steam. If anybody wants to play on Live with us, we'd love having people we know on our team. If anybody wants to play on Steam with both of us at once, you'll probably have to wait until we get a new computer, as Stephie's laptop stubbornly refuses to play it.

* I have to take issue with Batman's depiction in Wikipedia (and, I guess, Wizard's) as Lawful Good--while he fights to bring law and order to the city, and does so with the law's help, he does so very much without regard to the legality of his actions, making him at least Neutral or even Chaotic. On the other hand, he does seem to have an internal struggle with the "necessity" of fighting outside the law, so perhaps he is a once-Lawful character who still needs to atone...

** You could argue that the cost of the first copy of Orange Box should be split three ways between Portal, Team Fortress, and Half Life 2 (or even five ways, including the episodes). The awesomeness of Portal notwithstanding, I like my argument better.

family, movies, gaming diary, visitors

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