So, Nintendo's main conference came and went, and they showcased a ton of games for the Wii... Smash Brothers wasn't among them. Smash Brothers is so huge, everyone assumed since they didn't mention it at the conference, Nintendo wasn't going to show the game at E3...
There's only one game series that makes me truly squee in fanboy delight--and it's not Fire Emblem. Well, actually, there's one pretty clip of an FMV from an upcoming Fire Emblem in their demo reel, but...
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Music: Nobuo Uematsu.
Confirmed new characters:
Justin Bailey Samus
*freaks out*
In Josh news, last night I watched Mirrormask with Stephie, then since she was sick I snuggled with her until she fell asleep. Poor gal. She seems better this evening, though. ^_^ Mirrormask was done by Neil Gaiman (and Jim Henson), and it really made me wonder what Sandman would be like if it were made into a movie. It would never happen, but it would be really cool if it did.