I'm still feeling pretty left-out/ignored. I stayed up until 4AM last night at our impromptu lounge party to be one of the last people going to bed to try to shake that feeling, but it didn't really work. I feel jealous of the fun other people have without me, when they know I'd love to join in. A lot of times I wonder if they really don't want me around. Of course, that makes me feel antisocial, so that I'm less likely to join in on (or appreciate) other fun things. And so, I've clung on to Stephanie a lot while I'm not in the best of moods, and I've probably made her feel uncomfortable more than once. I guess I'm just a killjoy.
Oh well. In a week, Kirksville will be empty and there won't be anybody around to make me feel lonely. (Stephanie doesn't make me feel lonely)
Here's a dream from yesterday morning that I didn't get a chance to transfer from notepad to LJ:
It took place at Dream Truman,
the one with the cool library, although I didn't spend any time there in the dream. In the first part of the dream, I was following Dream Dr. Riggle around, going between class and class and place and place and talking a lot. There were maintenance crews everywhere, which was proper because the paint throughout Dream McClain and Dream Baldwin was horribly chipped and flaky and looked like it had been put on horribly and left that way for a long time.
During our conversations, I learned that Dream Dr. Riggle has actually been alive for centuries and has worked for Truman nearly that long (and still looks young, too!)--which of course also means that Dream Truman has been around for hundreds of years.
After that, my parents visited me with their new Dream dog (improbable!), and Mom and Dad and Stephie and the dog and I went to a football game at the Dream Stadium. I think Dream Grim was there in the crowd at some point too.
At one point, I made out with the dog for some reason. It was kind of icky. I also made out with Stephanie, first. That was a lot better. A little bit after that I woke up.