Nov 05, 2004 17:57
I've got it! The 2004 election is like the last console war. Bush and Cheney is like the XBox, big and manly, appearing for big money (Microsoft), and patriotic (made in America!... well, and Mexico). Kerry and Edwards are like the Gamecube, appearing sleek and sophisticated, and some people think it 'looks kind of gay'. Really, for the most part, both systems play the same software--a bunch of crappy overdone sports sequels that were originally designed for the PS2 anyway. There are just a few exclusive games that make or break whether you like the system.
So what about the PS2? Where is it?
Well, the PS2 is Bill Clinton. Some people think it's horrible, some people love it, but it doesn't really count as a contender in the console war because everyone had one long before the XBox and Gamecube came out, anyway. :)
I've had a lot of different music stuck in my head recently, which is pretty cool. Usually, when I have music stuck in my head, it's the same one or two themes for a few days. But every time something pops into my head this week, it's been something different.
I'm just about to catch a ride to Columbia. Whee~~