My Turn to Be the Pillar

Oct 04, 2004 01:01

Below is something I did Stream of Conciousness style--just typing and bouncing from one idea to the next, with little editing and no real attempt to make a theme or thesis. Feel free to ignore if you're not interested (although there are no references to videogames or anime, which is what normally encourages people to skim my entries)

Life is flux. One plus One makes two today, and it will make two tomorrow, but they will be different ones, and it will make a different two. People change even over the course of a few months. I've changed; many of my friends have changed. Some people I've only recently realized how much they've changed. Some people don't seem to have noticed how much I've changed. And then again, some people have noticed it more than I have. (For instance, when Allison asked me if I'd changed bodies with Alison over the summer, as she has been staying pretty much in her room and I've actually been going to clubs and dragging people with me).

It's because of this that I curse my lack of perception--or maybe that I'm too perceptive. I can imagine a number of different outcomes from any particular piece of 'evidence' I notice... And they all make so much sense that I can't discard any. Sometimes it makes my life more complicated than it needs to be.

I guess that's why I tend to believe what people tell me. That they could be deliberately lying to me is something I discount simply because it makes things too complicated to add all of those possibilities to what I already have to process. So, I appear to be a gullible person. Of course, I can figure out when people lie to me--I'm not that singleminded, but I do take things like that for granted. And that's why I think honesty is so important.

And it's also why I like getting all the information I can get ahold of. It helps me to shore up possibilities and discard ones that no longer make sense 'in light of new information.' And sometimes I can get a straight answer that discards all the possibilities but one--and then I can stop worrying about it and move on to my next problem. At least until One plus One changes... But many things do stay the same, and I can respect that.

At any rate, I try not to make the same mistake twice.

In other news, Dylan's parents brought up his Dreamcast and he set it up in Keith's and my room with the rest of our systems. About the only other system we could really need in here is an XBox. I'm so happy about our game system setup: PS2, NES, Gamecube, Dreamcast, N64, SNES, our computers, my GBA-SP... There is much gaming at your fingertips when you visit our room. Yey for people who loan games and systems to make our 'arcade' a richer experience. :)

This weekend just flew by. It was great having my parents up here, and I spent some quality time with Kara and Allison during their late shifts. I slept very well Saturday night/Sunday morning... But, I still don't think I've caught up with my sleep deprivation.

This next week seems like it's going to be a busy week for everybody. I hope we all survive it. But for now, I'm just taking life easy. We've all got to lean on one another, right?

relationships, philosophy, trust, videogames

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