(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 23:47

Alright, so I've been "tagged". I'm not exactly the world's bigest fan of these sort of things, but I'll play along. So, ten things that make me happy:

#1 - Music, the greatest and purist of all artforms. Without it, I would crawl in a into a dark closet and stay there until I die.

#2 - Drama, the most extreme of extreme sports. To become another person entirely, even if only for a little while, is an amazing feeling; one the you could never get any onther way.

#3 - Movies, the ultimate source of entertainment in my life. Movies have an amazing power. When done well, a movie can share a story better than any other form of story telling. Although there is a lot of trash out there, there is also some amazing beauty.

#4 - Friends, the most excellent of people. I have friends in Utah, BF, and Brattleboro and I love them all. You guys are my inspriation and my greatest support.

#5 - Sleep, the best pastime. I love my bed and I love to be in it(stop thinking those dirty thoughts). Sleep provides happiness, energy, and dreams. Dreaming is an awesome activity I am always looking forward to.

#6 - My family, I guess I should have them in here somewhere. I love my father for inspiring me to become a composer, my mother for always saving me(even when I think she's hurting me), my brother and sisters for being there when I least expect it(and for being so forgiving), and, finally, my nieces and my little nephew, for they are the one thing that will always bring a smile to my face, no matter what.

#7 - Success, the one thing on this list I don't have much experience with. I, like most, love the pride and relief I feel when I know I have done something in my life well, be it a play, a music performance, or just helping a friend in need. The funny thing is, I hate it when people tell me what a good job I've done. I always feel and can never think of what to say.

#8 - Food, the best thing to eat. I love food in all forms, sizes, and texures. In fact, I could really go for a burrito about right now.

#9 - My faults, believe it or not. I have made many a mistake in my life, but I know that i've learned from them all and they have helped me become a better person. These teenaged years of mine have been hard, whose hasn't, but I know I've managed to make it through them successfully(so far, anyway).

#10 - And of course, Nichole, my angel of joy(excuse me for a moment while I be mushy). Nichole has affected me in so many ways in so little time it astounds me. I have yet to find a major flaw within her and don't expect to. She is beautiful, smart, and crazy, what more could I ask for? Every monment with her is like gliding smoothly amoung the clouds.

There they are, all ten. I tag al those who have yet to be tagged and feel left out because of it. Don't worry, you're not a loser, it's just that no one likes you, thats all.

Gotta fly.

P.S. To all the Antigoneers: Break a leg! Burst an appendix! Develop a serious form of cancer!
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