Nov 23, 2007 18:53
So, I'm not necessarily watching hours go by doing nothing for the fun, but I am finding myself in strange situation...I'm ahead on my schoolwork and don't really have anything to do. I've read the last two novels for Post Colonialism (a very depressing afternoon) and I only have two plays and a few more chapters of Derrida's Gift of Death. While I could start that all now, what will I do tomorrow and Sunday? Go out with my friends? Sorry, most of them are busy with class work as they've not been quite as dilligent as I (I will have lunch tomorrow with Alina tomorrow though) and my husband is an indentured servant to FYE, where salaried employee means you spend many a day working for pretty much free--he doesn't get off until Monday. So, what have I done? I walked past two grocery stores to go to the one in the next neighborhood...I needed coffee and toothpaste (of course, I'd need less of the latter if a drank less of the former). I cleaned my kitchen, but didn't do the dishes, gotta have something for tomorrow. I started laundry, but my back hurts and the bending I have to do to remove clothes from the washer is a bit painful. Perhaps I'll throw in a video game, like Dirge of Cerberus because nothing is more fun than shooting mutant reptiles. I'd do some pleasure reading, but I think my eyes might need a break.
Any news? Thanksgiving wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. This fact was probably helped by the fact that I drank a bottle of pinot noir by myself and took a 45 min walk with my uncle's dog. But seriously, everyone behaved and we left before anyone else got as drunk as I was. Christmas will be with Gavin's family...they don't drink...
I am less than one month away from being 3/4 of the way done with my MA degree. That actually doesn't sound all that great does it? Well, I'm already looking for job prospects for when I'm done. I'm ready to not be poor now.