X'ing what applies...(taken from Miss Merry:
purplesnowcones )
[ ] bored.
[X ] happy. Im content
[ ] Swedish.
[X] Hawaiian. LOL at heart- at least people think I am
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] British.
[ ] White.
[ ] black.
[X] hispanic. of course
[ ] Irish.
[ ] Asian.
[ ] German.
[ ] Indian.
[ ] Italian.
[ ] French.
[ ] a mutt or mix of everything.
[ ] Indonesian.
[ ] Jewish.
[X] short. Yes compared to the rest of my friends
[ ] in between.
[ ] tall.
[ ] grounded.
[X] sick.Getting there
[X] mad. ..about you
[X] lazy. I will start my hamlet pack soon enough
[X] single.
[ ] taken.
[ ] looking.
[ ] currently sleeping with someone
[X] brokenhearted.
[X] tired. Just woke up
[X] sleepy.
[ ] hungry.
[ ] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[X ] eating something. Pancakes! yum
[X] in your pjs.
[ ] ticklish.
[ ] listening to music.
[ ] watching TV.
[X] kissed a member of the opposite sex. too many
[X] kissed a member of the same sex. woah
[ ] crashed a friend's car.
[ ] been to Japan.
[ ] ridden in a taxi.
[ ] been in love.
[X] been dumped. ....
[X] shoplifted. a long time ago
[ ] been fired.
[ ] been in a fist fight.
[X] snuck out of parent's house.yep
[ ] ever had a crush on someone of the same sex.
[ ] ever dated someone of the same sex.
[X] had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] been arrested.
[X] made out with a stranger. all jenna's fault!
[X] stole something from a job. I have like three neck-er-chiefs from my work lol- just because I forget to give em back. woops
[ ] celebrated New Years in Times Square.
[X] gone on a blind date. EW if we count "wipe-ass MIKE!" lol that was like ..what? 7th grade
[X] lied to a friend.
[X] had a crush on a teacher. does dean tribus count!?
[X] celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans. I was like 12 LOL - my poor virgin eyes..
[ ] been to Europe.
[X] skipped school. im the occasional skipper :o)
[ ] been married.
[ ] gotten divorced.
[ ] had children.
[ ] seen someone die.
[ ] been to Africa.
[ ] driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/concert.
[ ] been to Canada.
[X] been to Mexico. Kinda.. like boarder.
[X] been on a plane. I hate flying
[X] seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[X] thrown up. Yes I have hugged my porcelien friend
[ ] purposely set a part of myself on fire.
[ ] been snowboarding.
[ ] met someone in person from the internet.
[ ] taken painkillers just to take painkillers
[ ] intentionally burned yourself.
[ ] intentionally thrown up
[ ] intentionally cut yourself.
[X] miss someone right now.
[X] kissed just a friend.
[X] have a crush on anyone right now. theres just too many, i know..im a hooker lol
[X] ever been asked to a formal dance. homecoming
[X] sick and tired of the opposite/same sex. Im gettin there