I drove in Booooooooston...
I drove in Booooooooston...
OK - it wasn't really Boston, but it was... I drove in to a new destination in Brookline tonight. Those who know me, know that I refuse to drive in or around Boston. I don't do well. Seriously. I'm a fucking basket case....and that says a lot since I am a typical Masshole driver. In fact, I have NO qualms on driving in L.A.....but Boston, I'm like - HEEEEEEEEELL NO son!
So, I met up with a good friend of mine in Brookline for dinner tonight. Good ambiance, good food, and GOOD beer (well except for one but that's a boring story for...well everyone BUT me). I will definitely be going back there in the relative near future.
Been an interesting few weeks...
- It's funny what sort of information you find out in what seems like the most innocent of conversations
- I now think that I have a hair across my ass tonight...
- My sinus infection doesn't seem to be clearing despite the mother fucking HORSE pills that I am taking. And they ARE horse pills. A girl at work likened 'em to prenatal pills. I told that woman "BITE YOUR TONGUE BITCH!!!!!" - I have NO need for prenatal pills, and do not forsee ANY reason in ANY future - near or far
- Not enjoying the side effects of said horse pill...I've taken the medication before, but don't recall the side effect. AWESOME..
I always have so much more to say and find myself filtering on here...