new computer Originally uploaded by
ouvrestesyeux. First of all, I am so excited that Radiohead is going to be playing in two months! Holy crap!
Secondly, it's the last week of school before finals. I've had absolutely no motivation for the past two weeks to do anything. Of course, I have been keeping up with everything, but it's been such a chore. Today, I finally crawled out of the tar bit, and am ready for the final lap. I have one last problem set to do in Organic chemistry (this one is a bitch, and I REALLY need to get an A on it), Another revision to do on my linguistic paper, one final linguistics group project, I have to filter my crude product in organic lab and get a GC mass spec so I can write my last final report, I have to do an english take home final, and I have to spend a rediculous amount of time studying for my organic chemistry and evolution finals. It didn't seem like that much before I started writing, but I guess it does now. ugh. I'M STILL READY! bring it.
Thirdly, I had to buy a new computer recently. My laptop was drowned by Theta a few months ago, and it was about time to stop leaching off of Robbie and get my own computer again. It was hard for us to plan around each others homework schedule to have access to the computer. Anyway, my new computer is sweet, here are the specs
Finally, Robbie and I bought Oblivion. This is not conducive to studying...but so much fun!