grow embies grow

Jun 07, 2012 13:38

THURSDAY- My IM's egg retrieval was yesterday morning. They got 11 eggs! She was recovering well by the time I texted with her in the late afternoon. Today she was told that they have 7 embryos growing! I am so over-the-moon excited for them, for us.

Yesterday was my last small Lupron injection and my first bigger PIO injection, it was bearable after numbing the area with ice first. Not going to lie, the daily injections are no fun. I just take it one day at a time though... and keep focused on the bigger picture! I am taking a few antibiotics now and still on the estrogen pills (8 daily).

I am eating as much fresh pineapple as I can and I'm getting a massage tomorrow evening, compliments of my wonderful, thoughtful IP's! Here's to relieving all my stress right before our big day on Saturday!

as of Thursday 06/07:
*completed 36 days of lupron injections yesterday
*day 28 on estrogen pills
*day 2 on Progesterone In Oil injections
*day 2 on Medrol and Doxycycline

clinic, meds, a & m

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