(no subject)

Dec 24, 2008 10:10

Title: Flush; Chapter 5 The Long Healing
Author: BigBadJayne
Summary: Kaylee and Jayne grow closer during his convalescence, but his mouth gets in the way again, and Inara makes a revelation known.
Characters/Pairings: Jayne/Kaylee, Inara, some Simon for texture.
Ratings/Warnings: Still PG-13, unless you’re sheltered
Disclaimer: I own nothin’, no coin changed hands, Joss is Boss.
Word Length: not counting the header, 4500.

Author’s notes: Once again, thanks to MercsGoodGirl for the amazing patience and beta. And, oh, yeah, forget that six chapters promise, this is going longer…..Also, apologies for the second link post, the first one didn’t work.  Reposted.

series, author: bigbadjayne, 2008

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