"When Prompted": A Series of 50 Jaylee Drabbles - 26-35

Sep 28, 2008 09:54

Title: When Prompted: 26-35
Author: mercsgoodgirl

Disclaimer: All belong to Joss. I got nada.
Paring: Jayne/Kaylee
Warning: References to occasional adult language or situations.
Setting: Be forewarned that the content of these is NOT in any sort of chronological order. They may not even take place in the same ‘verse…
Word Count: 100 words each.

A/N: Got a fave? Let me know why you like it.

Cross-posted to ff_fanfic.

Prompts 1-5 HERE, 6-15 HERE, 16-25 HERE.

author: mercsgoodgirl, ficathon, drabble, 2008

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