Title: Determined - Part 2 of 6
mercsgoodgirl Summary: Mal and Serenity return to Newhall to pick up another load of ore from Browncoat sympathizer Chester Benning, only to find things don’t go according to plan. When Mal and Zoë are taken by the Feds, Jayne and Kaylee steal a small flier to return to Serenity for help, only to find themselves in a life-threatening situation.
Disclaimer: All belong to Joss. I got nada.
Paring: Jayne/Kaylee
Warning: PG-15
Setting: Post BDM
Word Count: 1560
A/N: Set on the same world as the
Faith Trilogy. Hover for translation. Loved it? Hated it? Let me know what you think. Thanks.
Cross-posted to
ff_fanfic .
PREVIOUS We need to concentrate on making it back to Serenity…