Title: Full Circle
Chapter Eleven
Author: mercsgoodgirl
Summary: Ten years after Jayne Cobb leaves Serenity, he and Mal are reunited in a U-Day bar brawl and Mal offers the aging merc his old job back. During a job on Bernadette, Jayne is gravely injured, and as he teeters on the boundary of life and death, he and Mal complete unfinished business.
Disclaimer: All belong to Joss. I got nada.
Paring: Mal/OFC, references to past Jayne/Kaylee
Warning: NC-15 for adult language, character death.
Setting: The year is 2538, long after the Rebellion initiated by Mal’s broadcast of the Miranda recording.
Word number: 2700-ish
A/N: This completes the story I began with
Old Warriors. While it can be read as a stand alone, you’ll probably enjoy it more if you read the other fic first. Hover for translation. Your thoughts and comments are really appreciated. If you enjoy it, please rec it to your peeps! Thanks.
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He’s the last one, Kit, and I don’t wanna lose him...