Don't Tease

Nov 14, 2006 17:50

Title: Don't Tease
Author: ladytalon1
Rating: NC-17½
Word Count: 1,041
Warnings: Hardcore Descriptions, Light Bondage, Oral
Author's Notes: Hi, I'm new here! This is my first Jaylee fic ever so please be nice to me *cowers* I'm so very pleased at finding out that I'm not the only one out there who loves the idea of Jayne & Kaylee together :)

DISCLAIMER: None of the characters/locations are mine; I am making no $$$ from this fic

Who’d’ a thought such a tiny little thing could be such a gorram tease? Jayne thought in desperation, trying yet again to free himself from the contraptions Kaylee had fastened around his wrists. She’d tied his ankles too, so that he was spread like a...well, a something. He’d woken from a sound sleep to find his little lady hooking him to the four corners of his bunk and grinning fit to kill when he started to struggle.

“Easy there, lover - jus’ lay back an’ relax,” she had cooed at him while running a finger up his leg slowly. Now she was bringing over something in a small jar that looked suspiciously like the honey Shepherd Book had given her the last time they were planet side.

“What ya gonna do with that?” he demanded, his member throbbing almost painfully when the tiny ship’s mechanic balanced the honey pot on his stomach carefully after placing a kiss there.

“Nothin’ yet,” she grinned. “And if you spill it, nothin’ ever - dong ma, Jayne Cobb?”

He nodded eagerly and tried not to push up against her when she settled astride his nethers. Kaylee pulled off her little cami - everything about his girl was little - and arranged herself ‘twixt his legs, wearing nothing other than the tiniest pink panties he’d ever seen as well as a big smile. “You’re damned meili, girl.” Her smile got bigger as she leaned over him and kissed him in such a way that Jayne thought his cock might well explode with her sucking on his tongue like that. She trailed hot kisses and licks down his neck, rubbing those little titties of hers against his chest in a manner that was all kinds of nice. “Kaylee,” he moaned when a playful finger brushed over the glans of his penis. Gorrammit, she’d best let me up soon, he thought with another pull on his restraints.

When she pinched him there lightly, he couldn’t help the spasm that shook him but he quickly stilled to keep from upsetting the honey pot. Jayne moaned louder when her mouth continued to explore him further; licking the sensitive spots behind his knees, biting him gently on the curve of a hip, twisting his nipples, and blowing on the part of him that he was desperate for her to touch. The muscles of his arms jumped and relaxed, jumped and relaxed as she tormented him by licking around the gorram jar. Her hot little hands were everywhere at once. “Kaylee,” he insisted once more in case she hadn’t heard him the first time.

“I heard ya the first time, big man.” She scooted down to blow on the tip of his cock once more.

“Ain’t I been good like you asked and not spilled nothin’?” He raised his head to look down the length of his body to see her with her mouth hovering over his manhood. The mere sight of her so close and not close enough made him throw back his head in frustration. “Bao-bei, why you gotta tease me so bad?”

Kaylee left off tormenting him and crawled back up to give him a sweet kiss. “Cuz I love ya,” she whispered.

“Aw, Kaylee…you know I love you too,” he said gruffly. It always made him feel all come undone whenever she said that. He earned himself another kiss and a bright smile, and she slid back down his chest to - finally! - move the honey pot off of his stomach and beside his hip. The tinging sound of a spoon made him raise his head to look at her…just in time to see her lift a spoonful of honey over his nethers. Jayne felt the warm drizzle of it on his cock and moaned loudly as Kaylee began to lick him clean.

“Tien, you’re mighty tasty,” she murmured, using that little tongue to her best ability.

When all of the honey had been cleaned completely off, she added more and instead of resuming the torturous licks, simply wrapped her lips around his phallus and started moaning around her mouthful of him. “Unnh…cào, that’s shiny…ohhhhh,” he groaned appreciatively. Those little hands of hers found his balls and began to roll them in between her fingers (just how he liked it) and he raised his head once more to see her sucking him off eagerly, eyes closed to show her enjoyment. All at once he felt that wonderful feeling spreading through his body and began to push up into Kaylee’s mouth urgently. “Bao-bei, I’m gonna-”

She broke away quickly enough to hook two fingers into the honey, suck it into her mouth, and then return to furiously sucking his cock. He threw back his head and bellowed his pleasure to the entire ship as he came in strong, hot spurts. Kaylee mmmph’ed around him and he felt her throat working to swallow his seed before she came up off of him with a slurping sound and sat back on her heels. Jayne Cobb had seen some mightily pleasing sights in his time, but none more than his Kaylee scraping her forefinger across her chin to catch the rest of his cum and suck her finger clean, licking her lips. “Tastes even better with honey,” she sighed before straddling him again to place her head on his heaving chest. “Oh, almost f’rgot…” Kaylee reached up to his shackles and stopped suddenly, a little frown on her face. “Now, where’d that key get to?” She wondered.

“That ain’t funny, Kaylee,” he assured her. She giggled and found the key, unlocking him. Jayne sat up and untied his ankles, then grabbed his ai ren and pulled her back to the mattress with him. “’Side from the part where you were tyin’ me up like a hog from Earth that was…that was real nice, xin gan. Real nice.” He smoothed his hands down her back and held her to him tightly while she snuggled against his chest happily.

“So ya liked yer birthday present?” she asked.

“Best I ever got. Don't think that was what Shepherd thought of when he got ya that honey, though," he yawned as he drifted off to sleep.


*edit* Just had to change this to put in my new Jaylee icon...I'm the only one here who doesn't have one! XD
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