All Ducks in a row

May 27, 2006 08:15

Title: All Ducks in a row
Series Title: Destination Unknown (2 of ?)
Author: Siarh
Rating: PG
Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee
Summary: they make sure kaylees ok after the explosion that killed simon.
Disclaimer: I own no one but my dog, and even thats questionable

Wash ripped open the shuttle door and stepped back to allow Jayne to walk through, cradling Kaylee as Serenity shook with the force of the exploding ship they just left.

“Kaylee!“ Inara yelled as she saw the young woman curled in the big man’s arms.  Neither Jayne nor Kaylee spoke to her as they went by.

“Zoe?” Wash asked the companion.

Inara turned her head toward Wash but her eyes watched Jayne walk down the stairs.  “She’s on the bridge with Mal.”  She moved after Jayne, following him into the infirmary.  “What happened?” she asked him as she helped him uncurl the mechanic from him.

Jayne shook his head as he removed his arm from behind Kaylee’s head after settling her on the bed.  “Don’t rightly know.  Engine blew up while they were workin’ on it.”

They?  Inara thought.  “Simon?” she suddenly remembered.

His eyes still focused on the woman on the bed, Jayne shook his head.  “Didn’t make it.”

“Oh God,” she muttered.  Looking over Kaylee,  Inara could see that she wasn’t hurt, at least externally.  Without a doctor it was going be hard to figure out if there was something wrong with her internally.

Kaylee opened her eyes and looked at her friend’s face.  “I’m fine,” she vowed.  “I was just a little shook up.  I just- just-“ her eyes welled up again as she thought about Simon being gone.  “Oh god.  Simon,” she wailed.

Inara took Kaylee’s hand in hers.  “Meimei.  There wasn’t anything you could have done,” she guessed.  She hadn’t been there but she knew for a fact that had she be able to save Simon, Kaylee would have done it.  There breakup was hard on them both, but they did still genuinely care for each other.

Kaylee’s tears quickly dissolved into small sobs until River entered the room.  “All must leave and leave sister to do what brother can not.”  She immediately walked over to the instrument panel, flipping a few switches.  She returned to the table with a wand in her hand and gently moved Inara out of the way.  She passed the instrument over Kaylee.

Kaylee looked up at her.  “River, honey,” she began not sure how to tell River that her brother was dead.  Jayne’s hand tightened around hers, giving her his strength to tell River what happened.  Actually to tell them all what happened.  Jayne himself wasn’t sure.

Mal had sent the four of them over to the abandoned vessel to do simple salvage.  While Wash waited in the shuttle, they were to check for medical supplies, and parts.  They had checked the med bay first, and found very little.  They took what they could find and moved onto the engine room.  They found it running, and Kaylee announced she could shut it down and remove some of the parts they needed.  Leaving them to it, Jayne went to clear the rest of the ship to be sure no one was hiding, or there wasn’t anything else of value on board.

He hadn’t gotten very far when he heard Kaylee yell and a small explosion.  He ran back, and found her gasping in the hallway.  He looked in the room to see if he could find Simon.  He did, but could only identify the doctor by his fancy shoes.  The rest of him was engulfed in flame and not moving.  Jayne had closed the door, grabbed Kaylee and headed back to the shuttle

River ignored Kaylee and continued to move the instrument over the mechanics body.  She looked up at the monitor when she completed.  “All functions are fine.  And the child is healthy,” she said simply, shocking two out of the three people in the room.

series, author: siarh, 2006

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