Help Mindanao

Jan 01, 2012 20:58

Here's the thing, these things always make me a little nervous, can't help it *sheepish grin*. I could probably do a more thorough self-exploration into why, but basically, in the spirit of total honesty, it can probably all boil down to that little bit of insecurity I still feel no matter how long I've participated in fandom(s), or how many fics I've written, nor how big my accumulated word count has grown, or how wonderful and supportive my flist and readership is (and you guys are certainly that, gods, have I told you lately just how much I appreciate it?!). But I'd love to help, in any way that I can (I still have guilt for being on a little bit of a medical related hiatus during Help!Japan last year and not helping out then, too). Also, I don't really have the fiances right now to send on a monetary donation myself, especially not with the holidays so close behind us, and my daughter's pre-k tuition for January soon due, so my words are really all I have to offer at the present point in time. So with all of that said, I have this bid here.

A big, huge thank you to any who are considering bidding for any of the offers listed, not just my own. :)
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