Saw this news clip (under the cut) on the
KirkSpockSlash social network and had to share it. I know a lot of you may have seen it already, but for those who haven't can I just say ROFL! Man, I would have loved to have been there. Not just to catch Shatner and Nimoy in an embrace (although that would have been a definite perk, don't get me wrong)
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I had never seen this before and omg I cannot stop laughing. Oh to be a fly on the wall indeed! I would have paid a lot of money to have seen that.
Wasn't that awesome?! When I saw it I was like 'oh, my flist just has to see this'.
Not that I'm trying to pressure you or anything. Totally up to you. There are an awful lot of social networks these days, aren't there? I know I'm still humming and hawing over whether to get a twitter account or not, lol.
I'm pretty new to twitter myself, but I was surprised by how quickly I settled in and how much I'm enjoying the short format. I much prefer twitter to facebook now (I usually don't even bother signing in to facebook anymore), but I am a little hesitant about joining another social network as I have enough trouble keeping up with the sites I have already joined. (In fact, I have a lot of inactive accounts in social networks all over the internet lol)
So this is why I tend to avoid facebook most of the time, lol. ;-)
I probably would enjoy the shorter format of Twitter. I'm definitely weighing more on the pro side than the con, guess I'm just nervous I might like it too much, you know? XD
hahah i introduced one of my friends to twitter about a week ago; she wasn't sure she was gonna like it at first (she's not really a social networks person, for example she does not have a facebook) but she ended up liking it A LOT and now i'm feeling guilty because she is supposed to be finishing her ph.d, not spend all day tweeting lol.
LOL, oh good, I'm not the only one then. You and me, coeurdesoleil you and me. ;-)
And I'm sure your twitter posts are lovely. I've always enjoyed your livejournal posts. :)
Oh god, facebook and relatives. My grandmother has me friended! It's mortifying. And I can't not friend her back, what kind of message would that send? Yeah, I hear your pain on that one. It's definitely a contributing factor to why I avoid it, too. :|
RE: your friend... see, this is exactly what I'm afraid of. ;)
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