I was recently all over one our Republican friends in the Senate for not knowing the difference between Shiite and Sunni. Apparently,
the Democrats are not improving the situation. The incoming head of the House Intelligence Committee doesn't seem to know the difference.
To me, it’s like asking about Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland: Who’s on what side?
The dialogue went like this:
Al Qaeda is what, I asked, Sunni or Shia?
“Al Qaeda, they have both,” Reyes said. “You’re talking about predominately?”
“Sure,” I said, not knowing what else to say.
“Predominantly - probably Shiite,” he ventured.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Al Qaeda is profoundly Sunni. If a Shiite showed up at an al Qaeda club house, they’d slice off his head and use it for a soccer ball.
Come on Speaker-elect Pelosi, et al. We didn't get rid of one set of know-nothings just to replace them with another set. Yes, I'll take stupidity with less corruption and theocracy over stupidity with more corruption and theocracy, but this kind of so-called "leadership" from the Democrats will drive me right back to third party politics.
Hello, Democrats? Anybody home? What's the frequency, Nancy?
I know we're stuck with two more years of a short bus crew in the White House, but could we please have political leaders in the rest of our government that know what they're doing?