[links] Link salad is the keeper of the keys, it will put your mind at ease

Dec 06, 2013 08:32

Nelson Mandela, hero of South Africa, dies at 95 - Sic transit gloria mundi.

United States, Israel opposed Mandela, supported Apartheid - The attempt to make Nelson Mandela respectable is an ongoing effort of Western government spokesmen and the Western media. He wasn’t respectable in the business circles of twentieth-century New York or Atlanta, or inside the Beltway of Washington, D.C. He wasn’t respectable for many of the allies of the United States in the Cold War, including Britain and Israel. And yet he prevailed anyway, and we were wrong.

'Tis More Blessed - Week 1 - In which I am part of a holiday raffle. (Well, one of my books is.)

Typists who clear 70 wpm can’t even say where the keys are - We don't have much explicit knowledge of our good friend, the QWERTY keyboard.

What the English alphabet used to look like - Cool.

The Coolest Music in the World: Listen to Siberian Ice Drummers Use Frozen Lake Baikal as an Incredible Musical Instrument - Wow. (Via David Goldman.)

China's first lunar probe 'Chang'e-3' enters Moon's orbit

23andMe Puts Health Reports on Hold - Personal genetics company 23andMe will only sell ancestry reports and raw data as controversy with regulators continues.

10 Things Traditional Christians Got Terribly Wrong - Although progressive Christians have been at the forefront of social justice, conservative Christians are often on the wrong side of history. I’m pretty sure “often on the wrong side of history” is far too kind. Every one of these things was a cherished religious belief, a Biblical injunction which must be obeyed by all of society, not just the believers in question. Every one of these things was once the eternal and inviolate word of God. Every one of these things by happy coincidence sustained the prejudices of the Christians of the time. Every one of these things is now considered wrong. How do you suppose the current Christianist views on the prosperity gospel, evolution, climate change, homosexuality and abortion will hold up over time? (Via Slacktivist Fred Clark.)

Of Myths and Modesty - Feminist Mormon Housewives on whether or not to wear a bikini top. That intelligent adults of faith can be consumed by questions like this is one very good reason I am an atheist.

Confederates Look To Win 'Second Battle Of Olustee' In Florida - I will never understand the conservative need to support and defend their profoundly racist rebellion against their allegedly beloved Constitution.

Fox's Latest Christmas Scare Deemed A "Vicious Dissemination Of Untrue Information" - That would pretty much describe everything that ever is said on FOX about any subject, insofar as I can tell. Your Liberal Media, hard at work sustaining the conservative narrative since forever.

How a Frustrated Blogger Made Expanding Social Security a Respectable Idea - Yup. (Via Slacktivist Fred Clark.)

What would the Union Jack look like if the Scottish bit were removed? - Huh. (Via my brother.)

California GOP defends its fake health insurance web site - When you can’t win on your ideas, lie. The GOP’s core mantra is proven over and over and over again.

?otD: When did Johnny strike up the band?

Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 9.0 hours (very fitful)
Body movement: n/a (traveling)
Weight: n/a (traveling)
Number of FEMA troops on my block forging presidential birth certificates: 0
Currently reading: n/a (chemo brain)

personal, books, contests, religion, science, links, healthcare, media, music, christianists, south africa, history, economy, language, cool, space, politics, uk, china

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