[links] Link salad was out on the road today, saw a Black Flag sticker on a Cadillac

Nov 25, 2013 06:31

Milo Fowler is giving away a personalized copy of my new novella from Prime Books, Love in the Time of Metal and Flesh

Famous Novelists on Symbolism in Their Work and Whether It Was Intentional - Boy, do I have a lot to say about this. (Via Beverly Block.)

You, Me, and Every Word We Know - Ta-Nehisi Coates on the languages of labeling, in-groups and out-groups. Wise, as always this man.

Sculpting with Light - This is cool. (Via Scott Frey.)

Meet the flying machine that was inspired by a jellyfish

Brain region key to decision-making discovered

Bringing Back My Real Self With Hormones - Ah, the American healthcare system.

The Internet of Things, Unplugged and Untethered - A startup called Iotera wants to let you track your pets, your kids, or your belongings without relying on commercial wireless networks.

Printing Batteries - New inks and tools allow 3-D printing of lithium-ion technology. That is just whack. Admirably, SFnally whack.

Gynecologists Run Afoul of Panel When Patient Is Male - Ok, this is deeply stupid. (Via danjite.)

One third of all American women have an abortion in their lives. Are they all immoral? - Unlike opposition to gay marriage, which is pure and simple bigotry, usually clothed in religious privilege, I can readily see an intellectually consistent and upstanding moral opposition to abortion. I can even more readily see that almost no one from the conservative forced pregnancy movement is in fact following that intellectually consistent and moral position.

Christians have not been ‘reading the Bible this way for 2,000 years’ - The problem with being a Biblical literalist is that you have to be literally-minded well beyond the point of willful ignorance and deep into rank, knowing stupidity. Some people just need the comfort of certainty, no matter the cost to their souls or the lives of others.

Kentucky's ACA rollout is a reminder of what can happen when the law isn't being sabotaged - Even now, the jackbooted Socialist hordes of blah people are breaking down the doors of Sarah Palin’s Real Americans all across Kentucky.

On the second killing of Trayvon Martin - So deeply, bizarrely invested was she in the idea of Trayvon as thug that she could not distinguish between a fair-skinned man with tattoos, and a brown boy with no visible markings. Literally, they all look alike to her. And once again, a conservative movement which argues with airy assurance that American racism died long ago, disproves its thesis with its actions. The conservative movement: failing America and Americans every day in every way, all for the sake of generating enough angry white guys.

America’s angriest white men: Up close with racism, rage and Southern supremacy - Up close with small-town white rage, with bitter, scary men who feel left behind by economic and cultural change. These are America’s core conservatives, the people who drive the agenda of Your Republican Party. These are the angry white men the GOP needs to keep generating in order to stay in power. Does it make you proud?

Town Forgets to Have Election Again - Ah, patriotic heartland values.

The Senate Did Not Really Abolish the Filibuster - Exactly what did happen in the Senate? Remember, the starting point for this isn’t some Democratic power grab. The starting point for this is Republican senators filibustering more of Obama’s executive and judicial nominees than all other presidents in history combined. A fact my conservative friends (as well as their enablers in Your Liberal Media) conveniently refuse to admit in their manufactured outrage at the Democrats carrying out a parliamentary maneuver first proposed by the GOP in 2005. (Via David Goldman.)

Cruz: Filibuster Rule Change 'Will Poison The Atmosphere Of The Senate' - Yeah, because up until now open-minded Republicans acting in the best interests of the nation as a whole had so carefully preserved Senate comity and cooperation rather than privileging their minority’s partisan agenda.

?otD: Can you ever turn back?

Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 7.25 hours (solid)
Body movement: 30 minute stationary bike ride
Weight: 241.2
Number of FEMA troops on my block closing down donut shops: 0
Currently reading: n/a (chemo brain)

personal, books, art, religion, links, healthcare, christianists, gender, cool, language, tech, politics, culture, weird, process, metal and flesh, race, writing

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