The lights go out and I can't be saved, tides that I tried to swim against -
Lisa Costello talks about her end of what’s been going on in our life lately, including parts of the story I have not been free to recount.
Hanging out with Jay Lake (figuratively) - My friend
soon_lee talks about my collection, The River Knows Its Own.
My Orycon programming schedule - For them what wants it.
and straight on ’til morning… - John G. Hartness looks to start a nonprofit focused on supporting writers and artists with severe illness. (Thanks to
Marta Murvosh.)
So frenchy, so touchy, about the English language - Michel Serres' call for France to strike over the march of English words is as daft as his nation's daily massacre of the language. (Via
Daily Idioms, Annotated.)
German Officials Provide Details on Looted Art Trove Fighting Over the Width of Airline Seats - Hmm.
Alligator found under escalator at Chicago airport - ‘‘We don’t know where it came from or how long it'd been residing in the airport facilities,’’ Estrada said. ‘‘It’s one of those random incidents.’’ Wow...
Lasers Zap Heads of Flies to Expose Brains - Zombie lasers?
Fossil of largest platypus ever is discovered in Australia This may be the ocean’s most horrifying monster (and you’ve probably never heard of it) - (Thanks, I think, to
Ellen Eades.)
New Kepler analysis finds many Earth-like planets; total 3,500 exoplanets - Earth-like planets are common around Sun-like stars, too.
Oglaf nails religion in seven panels - Hahahahahah. As always with Oglaf, not precisely work-safe.
Don't tell Muslim women what to wear - This is what comes of following God’s law. And far too many Christian conservatives want to implement such ‘standards’ in this country.
Belief in biblical end-times stifling climate change action in U.S. - We make national policy based on the self-valorizing eschatonic narratives of one narrow-minded and willfully ignorant group of religious sects who are a small minority in this country. Yep, that sounds like a free and democratic society to me. Either that or Republican electoral politics. History will be severely unkind to the contemporary GOP. (Via
Steve Buchheit.)
Climate change is already affecting food supplies - Rising temps will help in some places, but global productivity will decrease. Now the liberals are raiding farms and warehouses to keep their climate change hoax going. Thank God for Rush Limbaugh and the Republican party, or we might have had to do something about this.
Exclusive: Feds confiscate investigative reporter’s confidential files during raid - Yeah, that whole freedom of the press thing? Not so much anymore. (Via
To Flatten A Heroine: Artist Puts Disney Princess Filter On 10 Real Life Female Role Models - Wow. Just wow. A thoughtful wow, not a happy wow. (Thanks to
Southern National Guards ignore Hagel order on gay troop spouse IDs - Once again conservatives express their dedication to the Constitution and their deep respect for law and order.
NIST to Review Standards After Cryptographers Cry Foul Over NSA Meddling White Terrorist is “Gunman,” “Alleged Shooter,” no Mention of Wingnut ‘New World Order’ Beef - Ultimately, Ciancia is depicted as a quiet and troubled loner, probably mentally unbalanced, and his right wing political commitments and conspiracy theories are not even mentioned. That put-upon “whites” in an America becoming majority multi-ethnic and multi-cultural have developed an extremist ideology centering on their betrayal at the hands of a government subordinating itself to a world dominated by non-whites is not deemed worthy of being part of the analysis. Your Liberal Media, enabling the conservative narrative since forever.
Study Links White Racism With Opposition to Gun Control - Researchers report white Americans who hold implicitly anti-black attitudes are more likely to have a gun in the house, and to oppose gun-control measures. I was especially struck by this passage: ”U.S. whites oppose strong gun reform more than all other racial groups, despite a much greater likelihood that whites will kill themselves with their own guns (suicide) than be killed by someone else.” See? Don’t you feel safer when everyone exercises their Second Amendment rights? I know the 30,000 people killed by firearms in this country every surely did feel safer, too.
Doctors' role in enhanced military interrogation 'clearly violates' ethics - Ya think? Welcome to the security state. Which Obama has continued and strengthened. Sigh.
?otD: Will you lay you down?
Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hours (chemo brain)
Hours slept: 6.75 hours (solid)
Body movement: n/a (traveling)
Weight: n/a (traveling)
Number of FEMA troops on my block forcing children to learn critical thinking skills: 0
Currently reading: n/a (chemo brain)