So yesterday was the Hugos. Not to bury the lede, Brandon Sanderson took my category. No Hugo for me. That leaves me 0-4 on awards this year. It was wonderful all the same.
The old saw about it being an honor to be nominated is very true. I was in excellent company. And some real cool things happened.
the_child and I were thrilled to give the Campbell tiara to the talented
Mur Lafferty. Mur accepted the tiara with grace and wore it with style. Toastmaster Paul Cornell organized an impromptu on-stage tribute to me that made me cry. Odd and funny things happened all day. (For example, misplacing the tiara prior to the ceremony...)
It was a great day and a great weekend for all sorts of reasons.
Lisa Costello and I are off for home in a few hours.
I love you all. Thank you.