Here, finally, are photos from various sources of all the fun at JayFest and JayCon and times in between. Thank you to everyone who turned out and was a part of this.
Me at JayFest
Me at JayCon
Me and J.A. Pitts
Jersey Girl in Portland and
Lisa Costello
Sonia Lyris
rekre8 and her honey
M.K. Hobson with Irene Radford in the background
Mrs. J.A. Pitts
My (step)mother, with
mlerules and
lillypond (a/k/a my sister) in the background
Jo Rhett
scarlettina and me
Team E- in action
Ken Brady shows off his rocket
My family crew: Dad, (step)Mom,
lillypond (a/k/a my sister), Mother of the Child, the Niece, and
tillyjane (a/k/a my mother)
Photos © 2013, Joseph E. Lake, Jr., B. Lake, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Emily Siskin, and David D. Levine. Except for photos by Joseph E. Lake, Jr. and B. Lake, all rights reserved to their respective creators, reproduced by permission.
This work by
Joseph E. Lake, Jr. and B. Lake is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.