[links] Link salad watches the moon ride the sky of a morning

May 03, 2013 06:13

Walk The Fire: a shared-world SF anthology series - An interesting Kickstarter.

Willie Nelson's Audition Tape for "The Hobbit" - Hahahahah.

The ultimate cancer taboo: Sometimes it kills you - We keep talking about battles, warriors, miracles and hope. Meanwhile, those with metastatic cancers are ignored. That would be me.

In Germany, a U.S. beer invasion - This seems improbable.

The World’s Largest Rubber Duck Arrives in Hong Kong - Wow! Hahah. (Via threeoutside.)

The Data Made Me Do It - The next frontier for big data is the individual.

5 Ways to Make Google Glass Better - Number 6, make it possible to use them with prescription lenses.

High-tech camera acts like a bug's eye

Space Ape Parody Shows Why Aquatic Ape Theory Is All Wet - (Via David Goldman.)

Religious Knowledge Quiz - You answered 14 out of 15 questions correctly for a score of 93%. Which puts me in the 99% percentile. Not bad for an atheist. I also note that when this survey was done with the general public on an outbound basis, atheists came in second only to Jews in their knowledge, well ahead of a number of different identified Christian groups, though the Mormons were a close third. This is parallel to the science quiz I recently posted. (I missed the First Great Awakening question.)

Man shot and killed at Houston's Bush Intercontinental Airport, authorities say - Thank god for the NRA and the Republican party, or the shooter wouldn't have had the right to exercise his theoretical defense of essential liberties in such a fashion. Where would we be as a society without our guns?

Even Counting Votes too Scientific for North Carolina - Typical conservatives. They cannot win on their ideas, so they cheat. Egregiously, in this case. (Via corwynofamber.)

QotD?: Would you go to the moon if you could?

Writing time yesterday: 1.75 hours (WRPA editing work on METAtropolis: Green Space, plus audiobook prep)
Hours slept: 8.75 hours (interrupted)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (foot hurts)
Weight: n/a (away from home)
Number of FEMA troops on my block digging for fossils in the yards of God-fearing Republicans: 0
Currently reading: The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents by Terry Pratchett

cancer, personal, art, religion, science, guns, videos, links, movies, cool, germany, tech, politics, china, funny, publishing, nature

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