Jay Lake 2013 Hugo Nomination - A short video clip from Norwescon of my nomination being read out. (Thanks to
So...I Bought A Firetruck - I love this. (Via
The Great British class calculator - People in the UK now fit into seven social classes, a major survey conducted by the BBC suggests.
The Paper-and-Pencil Cosmological Calculator - Ever struggled with the problem of converting redshift into parsecs, your worries are over thanks to a new cosmological distance chart based on the very latest data. For all your science geekery needs.
The Cicadas Are Coming ...Hungry? The Falsity of Living Fossils Least visited countries in the world - Oh, to have the time and money...
Ponce de León, Exposed - Ah, history.
Nothing personal: The questionable Myers-Briggs test - (Via
Slacktivist Fred Clark.)
Climate Maverick to Quit NASA - Weird choice of words in this headline about James Hansen.
40% of Pak youth think Islamic law is best for country: Survey - I just don't understand how some people think. Especially religious conservatives, in any culture.
The NRA's Next Assault on Gun Control - Because neither your safety nor mine matter a whit to the people in the gun culture. Nothing matters to them but maximum guns, at any rationalization.
QotD?: What are all your favorite fruits?
Writing time yesterday: 1.5 hours (WRPA, specifically critique)
Hours slept: 7.5 hours (solid)
Body movement: 0.5 hours (stationary bike)
Weight: 243.0
Number of FEMA troops on my block building solar arrays to undermine the American fossil fuel industry: 0
Currently reading: Maskerade by Terry Pratchett