[links] Link salad takes to the skies with a stumble and a cough

Oct 13, 2012 04:44

The Great Amazon Squeeze - Gee. Predatory business practices. From Jeff Bezos. Also, this just in: water is wet.

Fall Colors Are Peaking 10 Days Later Than the early 1980′s - Just more of those inconveniently biased facts. Nothing to see here, citizen, Rush Limbaugh will explain it to your beautiful mind shortly. (Via Gillian.)

Theology & science fiction: A Calvinist dystopia - Insofar as I can tell, all Calvinism is dystopic.

Chick-fil-A Biblical Family of the Day - Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy: “We support biblical families.” Today’s Chick-fil-A Biblical Family of the Day: Jacob & Leah & Rachel & Zilpah & Bilhah (Genesis 29:15-30)

A Bishop Describes How The Church Invented Hell To Control People - Because morality! (Thanks to David Goldman.)

V.P. debate: Missing from the abortion discussion? Women - Because white men know best about women's health.

Let's dedicate the EU's Nobel peace prize to Europe's sexual revolution - The long-term effects of the EU's student exchange programme are still to be felt - Erasmus has bonded the continent's youth. Cora Buhlert has more on this from the perspective of a German citizen. (Meaning the peace prize, not transnational sex.)

Third Northwest activist jailed for staying silent - Because due process! Feel safer now? What if it was you in that cell? (Via danjite.)

Romney Says People Don’t Die Because They Lack Insurance - Here’s Why He’s Wrong - A conservative? Wrong? About healthcare? Next you'll be telling me evolution isn't a secularist lie!

Paul Ryan, King of Pork - Mmm, intellectual consistency. Who needs it when there's Obama to hate on?

?otD: Are you home today?

Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hour (chemo fatigue)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (airport walking to come)
Hours slept: 7.0 (solid)
Weight: n/a
Currently reading: Heartland by Mark Teppo

sex, amazon, climate, christianism, politics, personal, religion, science, videos, links, gender

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