[links] Link salad tried to call you from a noisy bar in Avalon

Oct 11, 2012 04:40

Don't forget the Kalimpura ARC caption contest [ jlake.com | LiveJournal ]

Men and Women Really Do See Things Differently - Hmm. (Via Art Guru James Gurney.)

The fast and the flexible: Graphene foam batteries charge quickly - Capacity on par with existing lithium batteries, but charges in 15 minutes.

ISS^3 - Mmm, CubeSats.

Bulletproof vest gets attention but officials miss weapons in bags - Boy, I sure feel safer taking off my shoes.

Lance Armstrong's team 'ran most sophisticated doping programme ever' - Is this real, or a crusade against Armstrong?

Chick-fil-A Biblical Family of the Day - Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy: “We support biblical families.” Today’s Chick-fil-A Biblical Family of the Day: Abram & Sarai & Hagar (Genesis 16:1-6)

Australia’s PM calls out sexism and misogynous behavior of opposition - Would that our progressives had a fraction this much courage to speak the truth.

Rep. Broun Spox: Comments Decrying Science As Satanic Lie Were ‘Off Record’ - Because being conservative means never having to be intellectually consistent. Or even sane, really.

Scott DesJarlais, Pro-Life Republican Congressman And Doctor, Pressured Mistress Patient To Get Abortion - A pro-life, family-values congressman who worked as a doctor before winning election as a Tea Party-backed Republican had an affair with a patient and later pressured her to get an abortion. Mmm, family values. This is why you can't trust liberals.

The Shameful Politicization of the Benghazi Consulate Attack - That’s right, the Republicans cut funds for embassy security, and now are blaming the State Department for laxity. That's fundamental conservative political theory right there. Starve the government beast, then blame it for failing to perform when inadequately supported.

Mitt Romney has a Google problem - Ultimately irrelevant, but still funny as heck.

Who do you believe--Mitt, or your lyin' memory? - Roger Ebert on Mitt Romney and the sad fact that post-truth campaigning succeeds. Conservatives don't even pretend any more, and no one cares.

Romney's abortion comments leave campaign scrambling to unify ticket - That's what happens when you lie so habitually you can't remember what the truth ever was.

As Democrats cry foul, "Moderate Mitt" rises in polls - More of that justly famed conservative intellectual consistency. Mitt's not like those untrustworthy situationalist liberals. No sir.

?otD: Have you seen the Southern Cross for the first time?

Writing time yesterday: 0.0 hour (chemo fatigue)
Body movement: 0.0 hours (overslept due to chemo fatigue)
Hours slept: 9.0 (solid)
Weight: n/a
Currently reading: Heartland by Mark Teppo

personal, books, contests, religion, science, links, gender, cool, tech, sex, politics, christianism, kalimpura, travel, sports, nature

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